Anyone else an alcoholic? I dont think I will make to 30 drinking like this

Anyone else an alcoholic? I dont think I will make to 30 drinking like this.

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Yes booze is my only happiness. I cant stop sipping on happy juice.

how long have you been drinking daily, op? and how much are you up to now?
i became an alcoholic when i quit heroin. i've been able to maintain drinking 2-4 tall cans of hurricane a day for the past 3 or 4 years. i eat one or two meals a day but gained about 20 lbs in that time from all the beer. i enjoy whisky and bourbon as well but find that when i buy a larger amount of alcohol i just drink more that day so i keep that to special occasions when i have extra money.
that's the other thing; i stick to tall cans of high gravity beer cuz i can stay drunk all day for $5 or less. i usually will drink a tall can when i first wake up over the course of a few hours and maybe start a second depending on how i feel but try to spread it out throughout the day if i'm sufficiently buzzed. that one or two tall cans will keep me good until 'dinner time' where i'll start drinking again.
i am a NEET living in a garage and work once a month under the table doing physical labor for $25/hr while high on meth to make enough money to afford my daily beer and drugs on the side.
i just lay in bed in this garage feeling weak af all day. even the 10 min round trip to get more beer is a challenge for me many days. the walk exhausts me unless i'm high/drunk.

I'm 28 and have drank daily since I was 21. It is hell. I could never have imagined how awful it would be.

Is 400ml of whisky every day except weekends when I drink a case of long drink (the 9% cans) alcoholic

Fucking hell im glad weed is popular here and I had friends

That's more than enough to do some serious damage, yes. You are likely to wind up impotent if you keep this up.

Oh yeah, also liver cirrhosis is a real risk too. But destroying your dick is also likely.Tons of long-term heavy drinkers wind up unable to get a boner or have an orgasm before their 40's.

Posts like this are why I keep coming back to this horrid shithole after all these years.
Godspeed alcoholic user.

Ill manage

One of two things will happen:
1.) You'll end up killing yourself in some sort of alcohol-induced depression, or you'll kill yourself slowly over the course of the next decade as your internal organs start failing and your heart either gives out or you liver starts failing to detox your body.
2.) You'll eventually tire of waking up feeling like you're on Death's door, and either cut back significantly or quit all together, and get your life somewhat back on track.

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I drink like a bottle of vodka a day now and have been for about 2-3 years now. My life is hell, my teeth are rotting and my liver is concerning.

I feel that. I am feeling like death every morning.

I will probably get cirrhosis or something.

heck no. i don't even understand how people enjoy alcohol, much less get addicted to it. i hate the way it feels

You could always stop.

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If I stop I spend like a day vomiting and might have a seizure. Also I hate myself.

Seek help. Professionally.

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I probably will an hero anyway soon.

I dont drink too much anymore but i still cant stop sipping beer even if I dont get shit faced. I feel like hank hill

Start taking thiamine (B1) supplements. You'll thank me later.

Since i was 19 am 22 in a few days i cant remember the last night i slept sober. ive pretty much accepted the fact that i cant sleep without it...

Idk I might be. I drink every night but not before 1700. Usually about a half a liter a day, sometimes more. How much you drink roboy

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fully agreed, there's not enough truerobot posts anymore

I thought I was but I was able to cut down easily and I don't really get cravings for alcohol, I just enjoy drinking casually in the evenings.
Early on I was drinking a lot of bourbon, straight. Now I drink either diluted brandy or diluted wine.
I also take lots of NAC and milk thistle supplements every morning to prevent any liver damage.

i am, but i'm gonna stop tomorrow and change my life

love u user. feel =

im very original type of guy.

About a bottle of vodka a day and a few beers

I tell myself the same everyday