Of all of the posts that ever got made on this board over the past decade, I have never...

Of all of the posts that ever got made on this board over the past decade, I have never, ever seen such a well thought out and detailed post about why our lives suck. Some normalfag tried fighting this post in the thread it was made and just got relentlessly btfo'd

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It is very correct.
What is another facet of this is the fact that this social resource or social credit, is one of the most important things for getting a woman. Of course there are outliers that don't seem it as too important, but these are so rare that they pretty much confirm the rule. Most consider social resources as a big thing and their lack as a massive failure. Dumb girls will do it in stupid way - "omg he doesn't have 300+ friends/followers/whatever on his SocialNetwork(tm) what is wrong with him?" more intelligent women will do it in a more covert, yet no less harsh way as they simply won't even consider you. The amount of social influence you hold is directly tied to female attraction.
Most robots are not fucked because they are somehow that hideous as their low-esteem would like them to believe. I suspect most people on this board are fairly okay looking. Most robots are however fucked because they have no social resources.

Because of this post, I can now see my future perfectly laid out in front of me. Fuck.

You can acquire social resources, military (or other law enforcement) is inherently a good choice due to its structure and nature. Then again, that is not for everyone. Other potential option is some university education where cooperation is actually important and from which people go straight for the job. More technical fields which are not IT and such. You are basically looking for places that make high(er) value individuals, both in regard of what they can do individuall and in a way they are acknowledged by society (ie.: who will rather receive help from other people - military member or philosophy student?)
Still, it is obvious you won't be getting into normalfag territory - having a pool of social resources from your childhood, education, workplace and other environments, all usually neatly prepared by your family, that is something no one cant really make up for.

I always wondered, "what could i have done to fix this when i was younger?"
people are quick to say "just talk to people bro, just put yourself out there" but "out there" where? Which people to talk? If I just walked up to a random group and started to get to talk them i would be a nuisance above all. maybe if I had done that enough times I would eventually find someone who would be kind to me and just let me be, but it would be a 1 in a thousand deal and even then i would have to now make them see me as a valuable aspect of their group, something that is basically entirely related to the people that i talk. even a CHAD would have problems if he had to make friends in a situation where he is known as "that guy"
Would cons and social gatherings be easier to cold approach people? I didnt though about it because i wasnt a big fan of neither of those but MAYBE it would be better than doing nothing. maybe a failed attempt at socialization wouldnt be as much of a issue if it was in a far away place where nobody knows me.
What are your thoughts? maybe some zoomer lurker here may learn a thing or two to try to change his situation

thats a whole lotta words just for explaining that a supportive social circle is necessary to get the most out of society

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I agree, its a bit bloated for a concept as simple as support. Don't have much else to add that you haven't already said.

Is there any way out?
I'm prepared to do anything and everything to make it out of this predicament. I will compensate my lack of social capital with sheer tenacity and ruthlessness.

best way is to join an established social circle thats open to new people, traditionally that means youd join some sort local religious community or similar, like the local chess club or what have you

it's more than that
a supportive social circle is also needed to acquire a supportive social circle. your opportunities for building one out of nothing are extremely limited and usually happen when you're far too young to realize the importance of doing so.

What is your people skills are lacking?

you can build a supportive social circle out of nothing as even OP outlined, by uniting with other social rejects that need to build one from scratch, but thats slow and suboptimal and often falls apart again, thats why is a better idea, since an already established one that lest u join doesnt depend on you.
read self help books and become a better person, takes a while but very possible, like for example learn how to compliment people in ways that dont feel like u want something from them, like just nice casual words that brighten their mood. pay attention to others and compliment the things they like, try to agree with people, respect their opinions, dont argue with people just to feel better about yourself, dont point out when their wrong but say that youve heard otherwise in a non combative way, dont act selfish, listen to what people have to say, let them finish talking, ask them about their opinions, show them that you care, learn to say that youre sorry, accept it when youre wrong, theres so many things that can be learned to become a pleasant person no matter how autistic u are, its all about making other people feel good so they want you around and human psychology is a lot simpler than most people maybe assume, its really not some crazy mystery, the knowledge is out there

This'll make your grandma, the guy you tip and the married women at work like you, but it won't make the people who matter respect you. Being nice isn't enough, people want to associate with high value people and feel like they're talking to someone competent and successful. I'm not saying you shouldn't be nice, but being nice isn't competitive and it isn't something that will help your career or boost your social life from where it is to where you want it to be. People say nice guys finish last for a reason, it's nice as a compliment to an already worthy person, but nobody is really respected just for being nice- if you act like this you'll be considered a pushover at best and some desperate to ingratiate themselves at worst.

youre putting the cart before the horse, its all small steps, first you become a nice person who people, like this grandma and this waiter and this working woman can enjoy being around, like u mentioned, then join a social circle like for example a church group where people exactly like this waiter, grandma and wagie are part of. they will value someone nice and will take you under their wing, they dont care much about your success. but they will eventually provide you with opportunities because they like you that will boost your confidence and eventually your self esteem too and then its smooth sailing

They won't because they, especially the people who go to church, already have "theirs" and won't put some random nice guy in front of their existing familiar and social ties. I think OP already went over this, you're peddling a delusion. Reality doesn't work this way.

This thought occurred to me many, many years ago - that even if I did get a girlfriend, I'd stumble pretty early on as, after a few dates, she'd be wanting to meet my (non existent) friends.

a lot of lonely and troubled people go to church actually, but of course it depends on the specific community how accepting they are of newcomers, might get lucky and find a good one or not. but know its not some come and go thing, you have to show dedication and become a regular to set yourself apart from the tourists. i can only speak from personal experience and things ive heard but theres a lot of people like us to be found in these church groups believe it or not, i would say the less mainstream it is the easier its to become part of the circle, mostly because they need new members to keep it afloat, ive heard good things of mormons myself, they have been very helpful to someone i know who moved oversees without knowing a single person there

Everything on r9k is a neurotic and elaborate cope to not try. That's it. Yes society is unfair blah blah everything is unfair. The sum of r9ks entire ethos is I may not succeed therefore it's not worth trying at all and everyone jerks each other off to reinforce and reward that mentality.

About seven years ago, I actually got out, started lifting, got in touch with people who got my prestigious job (took bit of a lie on resume). I worked there for two years, got a gf even. Found a nice place with her in a good part of a town. Went to vacation with her, celebrated Christmas, I went full normalfag. It took tremendous amount of time and energy, but I "made it".
And I have never been more fucking miserable in my life and let me tell you, I had some horrid fucking childhood.
I did some radical changes in my life and over the next few years I gradually went back. Now I work at dead-end yet comfy job, I am alone, no friends or nothing. I play vidya and go lifting. It is not particularly happy existence, but it is still better than normalfag one.

With that in mind, what is this "success" you are talking about?

Advice on how to socialize almost always comes from neurotypicals and is tailored to other neurotypicals. Even when it's someone who could be described as a shy introvert who has social difficulties, they're still usually an NT who knows the basic rules enough that they wouldn't approach situations in a completely ridiculous way and say bizarre things that at best leave people confused and at worst provoke aggression.

Trying to explain what's going wrong is frustrating because the parts you need help with are so second nature to them that they completely miss key issues and just repeat advice that worked for them.
It's like having knees that are physically unable to bend and seeking advice on how to ride a bike from someone who doesn't acknowledge the existence of such a defect and thinks you are just being hyperbolic.

I'm not saying it's impossible for many of us still to develop social skills but to get better at anything, it's important to figure out "what are my deficiencies?", "where am I going wrong?". I've found that talking to NTs and taking what they said to heart often obscured of my issues instead of clarifying them.

I feel like I managed to escape this, at least I now have a small social circle which I didn't have 2 years ago and I was completely isolated.
What did it for me was that I worked on a few creative skills during the time I was alone. Not only was it fun but it paved the way for a friendship with a very social girl who introduced me to her social circle and the ball started rolling.
She appeared to be really charmed by the things I was doing with art and music and didn't seem to care much for my lack of "social resources". Eventually she wanted me to do a live painting at her wedding, I agreed to try it out. That day changed everything in my life for the better.

I've seen a miraculous change in my life the past year. I didn't think it was possible but I managed to do it. I'm not a social butterfly but I learned a few things through trial and error but at this point people who know me don't even believe I was a social recluse just a few years ago.

>just be talented bro
Thanks for the tip.

a bit unrelated but what if you grew up with a distaste for others. hard for me to describe but i feel like why should i share my things/feelings with others if they have different thoughts and goals then me. i never had much but the thought of well you cant get anywhere in life on your own is bullshit. i want a small house,used car ect... but unless you grew up in a wealthy family more and more this escapes me.

then when you ask why is it you can work 50-60 hours a week and not be able to afford shit because "you need mulltiple incomes or be rich".

idk i guess im just a troll but i cant fathom the way things are going we are not going to be packed like sardines in cages like the Chinese here in America.

Yeah talent... If you put a consistent amount of time and energy in a skill you can get good enough to market it. Anyone can do it.
But not everyone chooses to pursue a dream.