Cant do a push up

>cant do a push up
anyone know this feel

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ur arms are weak, workout your arms
then body, then legs

15% of the world suffer from physical disability and 14% are slum residents nigga ur just fat

yeah me because im a fat fuck

i can do 3!

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I use to only be able to do 10 push-ups at a time now I can do 20. Push-ups are a great way to gain practical upper body strength.

Don't forget pull exercises. Tight pecs without the back muscles to compensate is horrible for your posture.

I can do 20 push ups and 12 pull ups
But I do 12 sit ups and I am completely wiped out. How do I into core strength?

im 6ft 160 pounds lol

as an almost 240 pounds fat ass I can say, not anymore
literally try "wall pushups" or from knees, if you really cant do even bad form pushups

same height and twice as heavy, I recently started being able to do them. Do not give up bro

Wish I had a pull up bar. I can do 10 push ups but they're useless for getting a wider back.

Same, but I don't have a place to install one. I can do 50 pushups in a good day tho

I used to be able to do 10 pretty easily, but that was when I weighed like 170. Now I'm 250, and everything has gotten harder.

Put a towel over the top of the door, or just do it bare handed if you want calluses, good way to do pullups if you cant install stuff just have to make sure your door is sturdy enough

Bro thats a good thing, Im shooting to get up to 200lbs or more, you have the potential to become brutally strong with that weight, even just by doing negative pull ups or chin ups, how many calories do you eat each day?

no, im not a woman so I never knew this feel

That's how I broke my door

I'm skinny fat and low T, it's all fat, no muscles at all.

I just did 9 full pushups
I'd been doing knee pushups for a week or two so I'm glad I'm seeing improvement
What's a good goal to shoot for?

Bench press. You'll develop upper body strength that transfers.

I haven't done muscle exercises in over a year and I can still do over 30 proper push ups in a row
How are some people so fucking weak?

I just did some callisthenics today after doing absolutely no exercise for about year and did 15 pushups and 15 inverted rows, mind you I'm only 66kg.

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cute Rei pic!

yea but its only after i did a hundred and cant do anymore