What do you even do at a library, assuming you want to read there instead of borrowing a book...

what do you even do at a library, assuming you want to read there instead of borrowing a book? do you sit there for hours to read an entire book or what? it would feel silly to go there on multiple occasions to finish a book.

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>take a book
>read few chapters
>get bored
>take another book

Girl I'm dating randomly told me that one of her fantasies is to make out in the state library, down one of the aisles. Then she got all autistic about it and was saying which specific genres we had to be near, so as not to offend certain authors lmao
Like most of what she says tho, it won't actually happen irl; she's way too shy and nervous

Make it happen anyway.

It'll have to be at night tho because that's the only time she's slightly lewd and risky. During daytime hours she's pure as a nun.

just do what you want dude fuck

is she hot? can you post a pic of her

>is she hot?
She's more "pretty" than traditionally hot.
>can you post a pic of her
I can but I won't. No fucking way would I post her pic anywhere on the internet and especially not here

yes read some Hawthorne or Melville they are Americas greatest authors

can you post a pic of her post it through imgue, please

Nope, not gonna do it
You think I'd risk even a 0.5% chance that there'd be repercussions when this is the only girl I've ever gone out with in my 25 years of life?

how does she looks like? describe her please

Sri Lankan background, but very very light brown skin tone, looks more Iranian than anything else. Long curly black hair, big dark eyes, and very short (5'1).
Always dresses super classy and conservatively, doesn't show any skin at all.

does she has a big tits and ass too? I heard they got big back

Haven't seen her body yet, most we've done is kissed briefly. She dresses so conservatively that I can't even tell if she has big tits and ass or not.

ghis comment was very original

I consider it like being at a cafe or something similar where you can be in a calm, nice environment and while still being around other people, don't have to interact with them. You can look around for a book you like, or if the librarian is a good one get a decent recommendation.

Once you read around and find a title you like you can bring it home. Some people make lists of what they want to check out and just grab books and leave.

total boon for autists

Good comment
It's a good halfway point for being in public - not a situation where you're forced to be extroverted, because you're still potentially around other people in a chill setting.
I loved the cafes on my uni campus for this reason

do internet cafe still exist. there was one in my town before but I never get to go there. are they comfy, whats happening inside?

its called cyber cafe you fucking faggot

there are some that still exist, in my city there are lots of botanical tea bars that serve stuff like kava and kratom. my favorite one near me is very much like an Internet cafe where people come to do remote work or work on school in a relatively quiet environment.

in fact I see lots of people who take laptops to restaurants even and work outside on the patios. I don't think you need Internet cafes anymore, you can go to any nice coffee shop in the city and enjoy the same experience.

you could even bring a book from the library and read it after you finish your homework.