Every dog and dog owner should be shot in the fucking throat

Every dog and dog owner should be shot in the fucking throat

Attached: 4713DB57-B1FB-4E24-9775-250D356FD7EE.jpg (720x707, 148.17K)

there is nothing in life more pathetic than being afraid of a dog

Based. Annoying creatures both.

Not OP but two days ago some faggot with a mastiff didn't put a leash on it and it started running at me and barking. I immediately pulled out my 5 inch knife in clear view and that's when the fat faggot decided to reel his ugly dog in.

Hopefully they dont accidentally get into some xylitol and peanut butter

Uuuh.. did a doggy bait u a bit?

I hate all animals but dogs are the worst because
A. they're fucking everywhere
B. people expect me to like it when the sniff my crotch or try to lick me

I know I'm in the minority because I don;t find them cute. They're ugly and annoying.

>They're ugly and annoying.
You're not wrong about that. Why do people get such ugly dogs? Women who gets dogs with loose skin and loose lips that drool everywhere are the fucking worst. They're bred to be as ugly as possible for some reason.

All anti-dog posters are either sandniggers (whose opinions therefore don't matter) or are "sensory sensitivity" autists (whose opinions therefore don't matter) or are poorfags who don't like their living situation (whose opinions therefore don't matter).

Stop being goatfucker shitskin autist poorfags and your opinions of dogs will improve.

If a dog bit me id cut its fucking snout off with my dog killer

Every day I wake up I wish i could a kill dog. Id stomp its fucking brains into the dirt in front of the owner and laugh.

I don't want to pick up animal feces every day. If you enjoy touching and smelling animal feces every day I can see why you would like having a dog.

If you ever even looked at my dog the wrong way I would do things to you that would make your father sob like a baby when he hears them described in the courtroom.

Guess you dont wanna know what treats I feed little doggies then haha

>pick up animal feces
Literally not my fucking problem.
I can provoke your dog into biting me and then you'll be forced to kill it yourself or the government will take the dog away from you and kill it for you. :) Also you'll pay me for the damage your dog caused which will be in the tens of thousands as I fake a positive rabies test and you'll pay additional fines because your dog had rabies.

So you let your dog shit all over the neighborhood and then wonder why people don't like dogs? Man dog owners are fucking stupid

dude it's an animal without a soul

Just hack its fucking head off dude its a dog

Loud disease carrying pieces of shit

Itll be your problem when I grab my shotgun and blow your fucking dog off my property

>going to prison, losing your guns forever and having to pay thousands because someone shit on your sidewalk
Niggers really can't plan ahead, huh?

Yeah of course youd be a cop calling pussy. And no none of that would happen why the fuck do you think people care about dogs so much?

Go make a real friend you autistic retard. if you came near me id beat you to fucking death cop calling pussy. Ill even set it up on discord lets go

>bro I will kill your dog with my shotgun
>what do you mean my actions have consequences and I will lose most of my human rights for doing this?
Cope and seethe, tranny.

No wonder no one wants to be with you
You sound very lonely and bitter but it's all your fault lmao

Oh wait you can barely speak English you live in some third world shit hole. You cant even afford a flight hahaha

I honestly believe that people that hate dogs and/or cats are so genuinely inept that their genomes are in the shape of a fruit loop
Then again, this is a Bengali flower basket weaving site for outcasts that can't knit all that well

Getting btfo'd so hard you have to samefag just to appear less pathetic.