Accurate and logical

accurate and logical

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Reddit is not a place for truth, chud.

Are you going to give any context?

Like, am I expected to just assume that the best way to minimise harm is to just trust social conservatives? Because all medical and historical evidence would suggest otherwise.

Deontology, yet again, is BTFO'd. Like, yeah, cigarettes and alcohol are forbidden just cause, they're just adult things to do, like thinking about gender. It's nothing to do with the consequences of smoking or drinking, right? You fucking moron.

The consequence of transitioning is fucking yourself up badly for life. Seems like something you'd want to keep kids away from.

>can I buy a drink with the money I earned at the job I work
>no, you're but a child of 20 years

>can I take hormones and undergo a genital mutilating surgery
>absolutely little four year old

Kids can't trasnsition without parents approval. Children can legally smoke and drink with parents appoval, in the UK at least.

Can kids drive cars with parental approval?
Can kids drink with parental approval?
Can kids smoke with parental approval?
They legally cannot because the law understands that parents can be retarded, transitioning is not held to the same standard

Are we just gonna ignore the fact that the first 3 have deadly consequences while the last can signigicantly improve someones live?
I know transitioning isn't for everybody, but most trannies that transition young end up living happy lives since they always pass.

you don't understand I have to turn my son into a girl

Why do you "people" talk like this? You aren't witty, you aren't cute and it isn't funny. If you believe hormonal pills, for kids, isn't as dangerous as cigarettes, you are truly disconnected with reality.
The only way to re-connect is suicide. Consider it, kay? :333 UwU

When people have body integrity identity disorder, we don't cut their legs off.
Don't bother responding to me if you can't define what's a woman btw

>Can kids drink with parental approval?
Yes, in Wisconsin.

Well, there you have it. If you want to own a kangaroo or approve a sex change operation for a child, go to Wisconsin.

You do realize that nobody is giving hormone replacement therapy to a 5 year old, yeah? The most that might happen at that age is purely social, clothing, name, pronouns, etc. At around 12-14, if they still identify as trans, puberty blockers may be considered. And after a few more years where they can be absolutely sure, only then are hormones prescribed.
But I guess you didn't come here to post reality.

Same energy. Origonag

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Spreading misinformation gets you banned. Who would've thought? Nobody is giving 5 year olds hormone replacement therapy. At that age it's just clothes/pronouns and shit. Puberty blockers are potentially used once someone reaches 12-14, and if they're sure they're still trans, hormones get prescribed around 16-18.

You are clearly naive and have a shallow understanding without nuance while thinking you have a deep knowledge, and that's one of the most dangerous combinations imaginable.
PROTIP: It's not about 'conservatives' and 'liberals' anymore btw

A woman is everyone who is weaker than me. And for that reason I'm not gay.

Holy shit you fucking groomer faggot i hope you die of aids. When you eventually do kill yourself there will be a special place in hell for you. Also YWNBAW

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I think the argument is that puberty really sucks if you're trans, especially mtf people. Those aren't equivalent.

I think all trans people are insane.

Seethe harder, subhuman rightoid