I'm sorry for being a jew

I'm sorry for being a jew.

I won't do it again.

I promise.

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trump is a jew brown-noser and his daughter converted

It's okay, I think jews are pretty cool user

This. The jews have their hands on the strings of all politicians, including putin, trump and my boy xi

Where do you people live? Trump fostered some of the best US-Israel relationships in the decade. Where does "Trump hates da joos come from"?

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from midwits who can't see beyond the propaganda. this exact example of cognitive dissonance is why rightoids are a giant fucking joke. any time you bring up trump's relationships with the jewish people and they can NEVER answer it. it's always deflection after deflection

I know you think you are better than them, but an npc is an npc no matters his political affiliation. It's isn't like the American left didn't lose it's fucking mind over the Orange Man and it is absolutely determined not to recover any semblance of sanity until he is in prison for leading and insurrection.

And what rightoids are you taking about? Ben Shapiro a prominent rightard shill hungry for his sisters milkers was always a prominent Trump supporter. Somehow I don't imagine him losing his words over the Trump-Zionist relationship.

>deflects and brings up ben shapiro out of nowhere
thanks for proving my fucking point lmao

How, you absolute moron did I deflect? I am the one that brought it up in the first place. How is Ben Shapiro, a prominent jew trump supporter, out of nowhere when we are discussing trumps friendly relationships with the jews?
Why oh God am I speaking to an npc like it is a real person? Its just going to say the same programed sit over and over. They should update your firmware, it's stuck in FFIV.

It's too late. We don't even have 10 years left.

>CONTINUES to double down on deflection
more predictable than my morning shit

you know what, i'm feeling kind of magnanimous today, in the sense that it's a duty to help those less mentally fortunate find the error in their ways.
so you brought up shapiro, one of the jewiest jews in existence as your proof that trump supporters like jews. now explain to me how the other 99% of his supporters wrestle with his love of jews, specifically those on this website.

Shapiro isn't just a trump supporter, he is a shill, a promoter, a media owner and public personality. Trump supporters get their trump supportism from Shapiro. The statement that 99% for his supporters hates jews holds no water. There are ones that do but they are just a vocal big minority. A fraction of the red npc squad that just download their daily behavioural modules from less reputable corners of the internet. And it isn't like it is a new strategy in a political arena to try and hold multiple spinning plates at once. Obama got a Nobel Peace prize while simultaneously starting, what? three invasions?
> this website.
This website isn't the standard for anything other than an exercise in degeneracy. This board is proof enough.

It's time for a new era.
Ron DeSantis 2024.

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I hope this nigger and the orange nigger cause a huge split in the party during primaries. Ideally he beats Ponkan Pol Pot for the nomination who then runs as a third party spoiler.

>99% of his supporters wrestle with his love of jews
Umm sweetie are you forgetting how Evangelicucks are massively fucking important for Trump while also worshiping Israel?

There is nobody worth talking to anywhere on the net. Whether you're talking to a person or an MPT-3 bot, in practice it's the same. There's nobody worth talking to in real life either. This is a digital version of the graffiti in Pompeii, yet the odds of anyone reading anything from the internet today 2k years later is far less likely. Screaming into the void.

Arent like all his kids Jewish by marriage and his grand kids now Jewish

The people who like trump hate jooz its the weirdest thing in politics
Bunch of anti semites worshiping the most Semite pro boomer in history

Something off about this guy has anyone checked his basement for bodies


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