Kind reminder

>if you're a leftist, you're not a robot
>if you vote for the DemonRats, you're not a robot
>if you support BLM, you're not a robot
>if you support exporting degen globohomo views to the world by war, you're not a robot
Sorry, I don't make the rules.

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Not all leftists are successful financially and socially. One of the reasons why younger people are turning away from capitalism is exactly BECAUSE they see the injustice and hopelessness in the system.
The state of American politics

you're not a robot if you can't see through normie political theater bullshit. you're also probably a moron.

Dios mio...
El monstruo tenebroso... El atrocidad, herida del mundo...

Attached: amerigo(y)ems.png (811x865, 657.65K)

Pick one and only one. Capitalism is having no system. You just do what you want. The second the government regulates, picks winners and losers for who gets tax breaks, etc. You no longer have capitalism. Government created the problem so you midwits think the solution is even more government, it's actually amazing how people can just think what TV tells them to think like you did right there.

Since you don't make the rules why should I give a fuck of these rules you've presented? Checkmate, fuckface.

I'm confused by them.

>Hate Capitalism
>Have latest iPhone
>Have funkopop collection
>Subscription to Netflix, Disney+ etc
>Buy products made by slave labor in China

fight the system?

"You claim to hate capitalism yet you live under it and choose to make yourself happy... curious"

Define leftist. I reject the dichotomy, but those shitty tests usually shuffle me tk libleft
I don't like police or statues. But I also don't kneel to anyone, nor do I owe the negro. BLM is a scam, but it could prove useful
Government is the death of all ideologies. Let's take national socialism, take a good look at the 25 points and see how Hitler shred them up and threw them to the wind due to the needs of power and finance.
Ideological purity can only be found with anarchism.

I am a Marxist Leninist Communist and I am:
> Anti-globohomo (ruling class parasites)
> Anti-BLM (identity politics)
> Anti-tranny (Big Pharma financed Psyop)
> Anti-imperialist (only thing we should export is finished goods and raw materials, ie. trade)
> Never voted Democrat because they are Malthusian social fascists
> Never voted Republican except for Trump just to spite libtards

I'm a robot because although I have no trouble sleeping with and attracting women, I don't fit in anywhere and find it extremely difficult to make friends with brainwashed normies. I'm a Marxist Leninist because it is the most realist and objective analytical and political tool for understanding and navigating the world. And its helped me make a lot of money, especially in the past 4 years.

Never thought I'd see a reasonable person on here, but uhhhh... I'm thinking based.

yes lets employ literal children in factories

only soon we won't have to, most jobs can be automated so our wage and work revolving society is collapsing in on itself

Based as fuck. Could you elaborate on how being a ML helped you make a lot of money?

While I don't agree with the Marxist-Leninist portion, at least you're an actual follower of them in essence.


Understanding where value comes from, where it exists, and which companies, funds, and regions/countries/markets are properly taking advantage of value creation. Marxism Leninism, once truly understood and actually having read the literature, let's you cut out all the market noise and media hype so you can only make rational, educated decisions with your hard earned money. I'm extremely stingy, so it's fitting.

It's not exciting to be a "long" investor or doomer until the world goes to shit, like it is now. I made money selling my real estate investments at the end of 2021, shorted crypto before end of 2020 (I know it was early but I still made money), and sold my growth stocks at a local height in 2021 and put it all in gold, value stocks and etfs, and these cheap value stocks are still up since then and won't go down as people flock to safe havens. Collecting dividends is better than gambling blind.

Companies that produce what people absolutely need > companies that sell trends or temporary wants

I know how you feel. Because it's very hard finding actual Marxist Leninists in real life when western communist parties have become a honeypot for mentally ill and dysgenic social outcasts who went to college for social Science or the arts.

I'm a leftist because I want neetbux, legal weed and a hot trans gf, now go fuck yourself faggot

>i support all the dystopic policies that makes robots outcasts in this current progressive society
Yeah, you go get TOPPED on Grindr, faggot

>implying capitalism isn't held up by the government and cops
owners have weaponized the law against workers since the industrial revolution. law enforcement serves the rich and elite, always has. when the many get fed up with being mistreated and exploited by the few and rebel, who comes to capital's defense? it's the cops every. single. time. you've really drunk the propaganda if you think this shit is the natural order of things.

>the industrial revolution
BBBBOOOOOOO/!!! Hiisssssssss!!!!!

>dystopic policies
lmao kill yourself

Retard completely unable to think critically detected.
If all the workers in your factory decided that because they're the ones toiling every day, they're the ones with actual skills, they're the ones being productive, so they should be the ones who profit from that factory and they kick you on your ass, you'd want the government to step in and stop them from doing that.
That's capitalism. It can't exist without a state to support it with violence.