What is it like working retail?

What is it like working retail?

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>either chill or hell, no inbetween
>managers are always walking bipolar stereotypes, one day they barely give a fuck what you do then the next they are on your ass 24/7, the exceptions tend to not last long beyond a year at most
>if stocking then generally chill so long as you get your trucks done and maintain the back room, keep up with rotating, etc.
Granted I worked at a smaller store, not a Walmart or some shit, so YMMV. My advice either way though, do not do beyond the bare minimum. Its seriously not worth it and odds are you will not be paid nearly enough to justify it.
t. became a manager after a few months of stocking, all I got for it was a couple dollars extra (where the previous guy was salaried) and much more shit I was responsible for, left after 14 months

The less customer oriented the position is the better it is. Also holidays are suicide-tier, I'm already dreading the 4th.

I worked at two cafes of the same chain and my brother worked at a grocery store and a full-size Wally-World. is pretty accurate in his description and advice.

I'd also add that your coworkers are going to more than likely be people you will not want to remotely associate with. They will all be low IQ failures who have no evolved beyond being a teenager. There are some exceptions but not really in my experience. Nearly all will shirk work onto whoever the try-hard is including management. Your best option is to be invisible and autistic as fuck if you're incapable of pretending to be a giga-normie for the length of your shift.

If you're the kind of person who it at the point of not caring anymore it can be a cosy job to mindlessly get on with, beats sitting in an office or at a computer staring at the clock waiting to go home if you ask me.
Of course the pay is low which is perhaps the biggest issue, just don't buy shit you don't need, don't drink, smoke or other vices and it's doable. Especially if you can save money by not driving a car and using public transport/cycling/walking to work.

In my experience, the newly retired customers are the most self-entitled.
The millenials are the nicest probably because they know what a shitshow working in retail is like.
Managers I had were either young Stacys who thought they were queens for being in a state of mild authority, or middle aged women who mothered me.

Got to fake enthusiasm which sucks if you're socially retarded.
Got to fake basic levels of charisma which sucks if you're socially retarded.
Got to treat people nicely which can... you get it.
Maybe warehouses are for you.

What the fuck is it with middle aged women who treat men like literal children.

Wine aunts/le empowered wymyn who thought they could go above basic biology. Its a substitute for the children and family they will never have. Sad, but many such cases.

If you're not even of the age where you'd be a university graduate you're still practically a child, Satan

It fucking sucks.
It doesn't pay anything. At all.
Depending on chain and department, only management might get full time. Scheduling might also be random.
Depending on department, you might ruin your knees or back.
Customers treat you like a retarded felon servant. Management may or may not treat you worse.
If you can navigate a smart device here, you have no business working there.

For me right now socially, it fucking sucks since I'm by myself most of the time walking around the aisles and checking dates throwing out old food. I would talk to people occasionally, but they're all older than me and I'm 20. Still waiting for a chance to do cashier and talk to the teenage qts up front. I need to find another job.

>checking dates and throwing out old food
They hire people to do that? My grandma recently brought some of the expiration dates to my attention. A supermarket near me has a couple boxes of crackers that passed their date in 2019. I'll be checking if they're there from now on, because it's funny.
They must've been there a while too, because crackers stay good on the shelf for a while.

Yeah, I can use one of the devices the store has or my phone and the work is pisseasy. The other day I was working, I had to throw out a shit ton of fucking bacon expired on the 9th. That's how bad things are right now.

I'm older though, was older when it my bosses were doing it too

I showed up today and nobody was there. I went back home.

I worked retail for a week and wanted to kill myself

>passed their date in 2019
Lazy fucking company. They probably stopped cycling stock a couple years before that.

It was either Meijer's or Walmart. I can't remember which. Everything else is in date.

can confirm I just shove shit in front without regard of expiration date. If I have a quota for the amount of shit I need to stock I can't focus on that type of shit.

>What is it like working retail?
I've been NEET for like 8 years, but I worked retail from like 2003 - 2014.
I've worked in sports shops and supermarkets... and whilst you deal with cunts, for the most part customers are fine and chatty.
Depends if you can tolerate the general public I guess.

Best by dates for stuff like that are just dates where things are still considered fresh, not that it actually spoils by then. Those crackers are almost certainly still perfectly edible if only from the salt they are made with, but there can potentially be some legal issues if someone gets sick then blames it on the box of crackers that went out of date three years ago. Sell by dates are just that, dates to be sold by. Both to cover the stores ass and so new inventory keeps coming in.
lol you would be surprised, when I did my time as a manager I found a whole carts worth of shit (mostly baby food but some cereal and other things too) that expired as far back as 2009, in late 2020. Usually its stuff that barely moves at all that everyone glosses over and is doing too much other shit to give it a look over unless doing inventory is around the corner. Plus if you have a quota of how many flats/pallets/whatever you have to put up you literally cannot focus on checking dates, it would just eat up too much time. Therefore you end up with shit like boxes of crackers going out of date three years ago still being there simply because everyone has too much going on to look for that kind of thing. Also if you want to be super wagie and get over time, getting those extra hours that you could use to check out stuff like dates is like pulling teeth.

Worked at walmart and kept getting forced to stay overtime by assistant managers to fix mistakes of coworkers who were too stupid to rotate/make their products look good on the shelves.
New assistant manager came in and hated me for being white and let me know as much by assigning me to do physically impossible tasks such as get two additional aisles in the first two hours of the day (when we should be offloading trucks) and continue doing what I do normally at the same time.
I got fed up with his black ass, so I quit.

the quotas are fucking terrible. My menopaused fucking bitch manager made me reach my quota before I could eat lunch. The next week? No quota. The week before that? No quota. She was just a cunt for a single week. No idea what was up her ass.