Anyone else extremely disappointed by life...

Anyone else extremely disappointed by life? I had such high expectations and life has fallen short in basically every way imaginable.

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I believed in all of the lies.

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What did you expect, man?

Yes. I thought getting good grades in high school and passing AP tests would get me into a good college. Then I would be able to get a good job which would get me a half decent life. I ended up going to community college, transferring to a mediocre state university, earning a worthless bachelor's degree, and working shitty jobs. My life sucks, I'm poor, I have no friends, I've never been in a relationship, and my parents hate me.

>was a neet until 23
>felt crushed by pressure of missing out, that my life was so dull when it could be better
>turned my life around in a few months
>the world still feels so empty and dull
>more suicidal than ever
The world just feels empty for lack of better phrasing. Like there's nothing worth seeing or doing, no reason to get up or work hard.

Tell me how to stop hating myself and contemplating suicide.

My childhood trajectory to continue I guess. In elementary and middle school I was one of the best looking, most athletic, most popular, smartest kids etc. I know it sounds dumb to say that, but back then girls would like me when I didn't even know they existed. Everything would just come to me so effortlessly. Then I had a sports injury and my life has been in a downward spiral since.
Similar feel. I assumed if I got a good lsat I'd be able to get into a good law school, but since I was not in a good place during college my gpa sucked and it sunk my law school chances even with a great lsat. Not sure what to do now. I just feel so utterly let down by life is every way. I had such massive expectations as a kid and they have been underwhelmed in every way. The worst part is they weren't even delusional at that time, I was on track to have that kind of life before a freak accident sent my life into a tailspin.

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im pretty fucking happy, a single shroom trip woke me up to how lucky I am to be alive and have my friends, girlfriend, and family loving me, etc

theres always a silver linging anons, remember, millions of years of evolution have allowed you to live and hsitpost at his moment, chin up, there are creatures who long died before a moment like this was possible

that being said i VERY much believe in God and God loves us all

this board is not for your kind, normalfag

it all happened so fast too. what the fuck.

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The worst part about this is that I set low expectations for life and then I've been forced to see that my low expectations were actually impossibly high. I thought I was being down to earth and realistic thinking that I'd get a gf in college and have a couple friends and have a way into a stable career from there.

>Yes. I thought getting good grades in high school and passing AP tests... would get me a half decent life
Aw, sorry to hear that. I did that too. I basically had a 3.8 GPA (not disciplined enough for straight As) from 9th grade to the end of college and nailed all my placement exams.

"Boy oh boy, I worked so hard and I'm pretty darn smart. I'll have a great job." I might be the most naive cretin to have ever lived. If I never went to college and just sold hot dogs from a cart instead I'd still be in the same boat financially.

I have these bouts of extreme optimism where I feel like I can carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and I can befriend everyone if I just talk to them long enough
Then I get a reality check and see how little anyone cares, how nothing changes and it all comes crashing down, I want to curl up into a ball and do nothing

>I've never been in a relationship

I don't visit 9k often but when I do I'm always shocked at the amount of anons that say this. Have you tried bars? Okcupid? Etc?

Don't worry though. Once you have a gf for a couple of months you'll realize it's as disappointing and overrated as everything else in life. I'm grateful for booze.

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Accept that a lot of life is outside of your control, but also be level headed about what is and try to change things for the better. I get it isn't easy, especially when you get mentally beat down by terrible luck. It's difficult to internalize how helpless humans truly are to things outside of our control without it also killing your motivation. The alternative is hating yourself for simply having bad luck though. If you've been majorly unlucky in your life there's no easy solution.
Agreed, my life was already fucked by the time I was 12 since that's when I got injured but I get your feeling. I'd do anything to go back to the moment before it all went to shit, since I know deep down things would be dramatically different. Life is cruel though, it will fuck you over with horrifically bad luck, then kick you while you're down without a second thought, even if you're a child.

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It took me years to get to where I am now, that is being in a state of total indifference. I've stopped caring about virtually everything in my life: success, finances, health, future, etc. I shattered all expectations I've ever had for myself and any I could ever have. I stressed and stressed for years, to the point of being suicidal, and it was awful. Not giving a shit helps me cope with how stupid this world is, I just live for my own happiness, luckily I can achieve happiness with very little

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didn't mean to reply to you
but least I can tell you is to start accepting and loving yourself, if you can't convince anyone you're in a good mood no one's gonna bother being good to you
there may be a few people with a savior complex but their advice may not be good and you'll ignore them anyway

LOL. My grades were above average and I did well on most of my AP tests, but I did terrible on all my PSATs, so I didn't take the SAT and just enrolled in community college. I was also scared of leaving home and going to university.. MY grades were above average in college too (graduated with honors) but I didn't do too well on the practice LSATs I took so I didn't bother applying to law school. Getting into loads of debt just to go to a mediocre law school didn't sound great to me.

No honestly I always knew it was going to be shit. I expected myself to try or care a bit more though, shit happened and depression is a bitch. Heavily considering sudoku'ing.

just try shrooms with some weed and tea, and take a walk in the park during the day fren

youll feel like a million fucking bucks

i guess thats the way it goes.. all alone.. aint got no friendsssssssssssss

>sports injury
I blew a disc in my spine purely by being a retarded teenager and being an idiot while weightlifting. It was totally avoidable. I'm almost 30 and still feel it daily. Fucked up how you can feel invincible as a young teenaged male and then in a single moment get permanently fucked like that. Life truly shows no mercy, it doesn't give a fuck if you're only a stupid teen.

cant relate. didnt have friends when i was 12, either

what are 'friends' anyway - I knew people who hung out with me but were they really my friends? most of the time I felt like they were just using me and having way more fun than I was

Lol I'm tried to do the same in intentionally setting low expectations in the aftermath of what happened to me. I've found a lot of low value girls have weirdly high standards. Like they have way less tolerance for any perceived offences or flaws. I guess they're less mentally stable or something.
We're in similar situations but flipped. Had very good grades and sat scores in hs, ap classes, extracurriculars, the works, got into a great school, but had a terrible gpa in college due to being in a bad place in physical and mental health. I've already perfected the logic games section for the lsat, but after looking at the demographic data for law school applicants I sort of gave up. Even if I got 175+ (99.5th percentile or better basically), given my gpa I still couldn't get into a t14 since I'm a white male. It's fucking bullshit. Meanwhile some minority with a 165 (80th percentile) and the same gpa can get into a t14 with ease due to 'moral' discrimination replacing meritocracy. Such a clown world. Everyone knows being a lawyer and that debt is only worth it if you get t14, so I have no idea what career to do now since I figured I could bank on my lsat, but it turns out since I'm a white male my gpa is really important too since they'd rather take a white male with 170 lsat and 3.7 gpa over a 175 lsat and 3.0 gpa since they have to take tons of minorities with shitty lsat scores to fill up their diversity quota. Absolute clown shit.

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