Ugly r9k Girl AMA; Attention Seeking edition

I'm back, Idk if anyone remembers me. I wanted to post again mainly because I've become more alcoholic in recent days closer to my brothers death anniversary. You guys on r9k make me laugh a lot.. Thanks

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Any before I'm asking about the 'ugliness'

I didn't include my previous reply from the last thread but ill give a summary of my features i hate/see and overthink or cry the most over

>6'3 Tall
>Cross eyed, with a lazy eyelid(or just eye?)
>A very obvious, painful left leg limp due to failed surgery on hip
>Burn from chin to left hand which is an obvious scar on me
>just above my fringe/front of my hair is thin, its hard to see to others due to my height, but when i take photos with lights on i see it so obviously
>uneven dimple chin (it leans to the side)
>broken nose that curves and is obvious without my glasses (that i dont really need anymore)
>a cheekbone that used to be very high is now lower due to a break, clearly unsymmetric to my other side of the face

Apart from physical, mentally I've not got a healthy brain upstairs i think is the saying

But overall, ask me anything you'd want to ask - I'll try be honest and open to backlash for wanting the attention (moreso for me, I just want some sort of talk about my life that I can't with a $10 barely graduated psychologist with the same fucking 10 questions)

Try this lol

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>attention whoring tripfag + female
Filtered and fuck you, anyone below this post will have their mother die in her sleep tonight

How did you manage that? Got tortured by triads or smth? None of that is genetic, besides height.

Just find someone tall, I'm 6'6 and I like nor having to kill my spine kissing down. There are enough of us that appreciate that.

Tell me about your childhood and what cause you to become like this.

Why do people feel compelled to just make shit up?
You know the best kind of misery is the misery you know.
You fucks could at the very least just try to stop confusing dudes.

my mother is still awake cooking, call yours

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All was accidental, my own fault but when I was younger. The current situation with my nose and broken cheekbone I'm still not sure. I had a random seizure/black out that has never occured before. Doctors didn't help or give much information in the UK but after calling my father rather upset yesterday about my new 'appearance' we will be going private, I've been doing my best to save up money for it.

and you can still easily gat a bf if youd just lower ur standards

Genetic wise, my parents were below 5'8 and a lot of my family were asides from my brother before passing. He would've been my height or taller even I would imagine.

I don't mind about dating different heights, I know that is a catch for girls in the West though (Especially from what I've read with tinder and the such.)

What type of men are you into (if any)? Were you ever in love? What are your sexual fantasies about? If you could change just one single thing about your life, what would it be? What would make you happy?

That sucks hard. If you can afford it, cosmetic surgery can fix a lot of shit today. But leave it to bongland to have awful healthcare lol.

I was just saying that height isnt a negative/doesnt make you ugly and you shouldnt be insecure about it. A few shorter men are also insecure about dating a taller girl tho.

Said it last thread but I would still marry you but I'm old and ugly and you wouldn't want me

What am I making up exactly im confused, i saw a comment on the last post i make and didnt realize why it is unreal to have this situation happen in someones life 555?

I don't think it is just my standards of others, i have my preference but i unironically want someone in terms of personality, though i know people consider it lies ("you want hot body, big cock blah blah") which i understand but honestly ive tried talking to guys, who were somewhat outcasts at my university, my former best friend (male) who i thought had feelings for me basically stopped talking after dating another girl, he spoke alot about how i would look better if i was a normal persons height

How did your brother die!?
Please tell us.
That's sad I couldn't imagine life without my brothers.

From your description you sound fine, sure some guys don't like tall but that's it. You sound like a pretty nice person, you deserve better, I'm sure you'll find someone:)

The reason they consider it a lie is that you'll say one thing and do another.
I'll be frank.
I don't think you are what you say.
But on the off chance you are you're a fucking mess.
You won't give a guy in the same universe of mess as you a chance.
So you deserve nothing.

We can afford it I think but I want to help pay for at least 60% of the cost, my father told me a lot about how it will fix appearance of my nose and cheekbone but not of my own mind... its easier said when you don't have the issues.. UK NHS was terrible, i like that it is there but i went regarding black outs and such, i was left 7 hours and told to go home, then came back, they said i might be developing seizures after a brainscan (magnetic machine I wen't through) but this was before they then said "we havent checked"

i basically got sent home because they didnt want me there anymore, they didnt have the results ready and i got to go back in a month for them, we cancelled it and my parents are getting me seen for privatized place in Germany (I was only in UK temporary, I study in Germany right now)

I think for me its more that my interactions with guys that I have had feelings for, also surronding around my height, whereas if im talking to a guy i dont really care? i just want someone more optimistic than myself

im so sorry if i type a lot of meaningless information, it is a habit, i tried writing this 3 times again but it was painful without tangents

What are your standards in termy of personality?

My take (both on your friend ghosting you and people calling you a liar) would be that dating today is just a cesspool of manipulation and competition. The way sexual success is integral to most peoples ego today, theyd rather complain, blame and play power games than seriously searching for a worthy relationship. From both men and women in different ways.

was for this comment post

Well interesting take.
Flatly incorrect.
I deny that a worthy relationship exists and thus don't try.
Women will try and extract money and gifts and then complain when things don't work out before trying again.
The relationship to them wasn't worth it because the money stopped flowing.

Sure, a lot of women do that. Often out of insecurity, cause they either want to take advantage (ugly guy) or want to chain him to her by sunk cost fallacy (if hes chad), cause she thinks hes unlikelier to leave her after investing a lot.

>worthy relationship
Im in one, only paid for my gf like 4 times in our 3 years. Always on like birthdays or anniversaries.

Depending on what your mental issues are, looking better migjt help. And its another problem less. Good luck, I hope that the money pays off and that it makes you happier.

It's a hard question, right now I can't say because for someone whose not in the position to even get any attention in real life due to my looks and mentality, I'd be hypocritical to say what I'd expect from anyone.. for the simplest fact as I'd say again, optimistic guy (only guys)

I don't know if it sounds psychopathic but I don't really understand what love is suppose to be, maybe this is sound like a cringey reply but I genuinely don't know.. I know that my brother was in my life a lot and helped me overcome many depressive moments due to my features or bullying past, and when he died it made me sad inside but i never physically showed this? As for non-family people, my best friend backhome, went to university, dated a girl, ignored me, i didnt worry too much, i just accepted this and know not to allow him back in when they inevitably break up (this makes me sounds hateful though)

If I could change anything, it would be me going and not my brother

that is a good question that i dont think i am maturity enough to answer. money? yes money would, family together? yeah, but always i think every life will have a element of unhappiness inside of it to make you unhappy because it helps balance out being too happy with life.. I hope that makes sense?

The obvious answer is having my brother back, but to not talk about him too much because I feel disrespectful to him at this stage, I think I'd be happy having a new female body overall. just randomized. It can't get worse then what I see every morning.

Sorry again for long posting

marnie sex

Wait ugly tall CHINK? I intially read ugly tall chick lol

A girl killed him in secret from me and my family, but he was dying already but could've lived many more years.

I'm confused by your reply but ok

Maybe something that could contradict what I wanted prior but i do agree what you say, i think in my parents early age of meeting it was much more easier and simpler, even more romance for them. but today, it just feels different, i need a companion, that wont need to feel like he needs to be with me all the time but who i can support and he can support me, hope that makes sense? its hard to detail my feelings on this topics as i dont know myself, i think a big issue being in Germany and UK for long time is lgbt homosexuality stuff. it promotes less romance? If that makes sense? at least from what I've seen

>right now I can't say because
oh we know why, you know if you said youd get offers here and ofc youd refuse them lol