The worst she could say is no

>The worst she could say is no

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Find where she lives and kill her, its on tinder , isnt that hard to find it

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She types like a guy

thats what you get for jestermaxxing faggot

that actually seems like helpful feedback though

Sounds like she's trying to help your stupid ass

>gave you three chances
>fumbled all of them
so what did you even say?

>Not Chadfishing her

Why do reddit fags chimp out whenever people on here say "females" but then act like it's perfectly fine if a woman says "females"?

Needs context, guy could be a total sperg

no it isn't.

>listen dude
>up your game
>fumbled the bag
Lmfao you are talking to some ghetto trash cunt. Jesus Christ who talks like that

Tbh I believe her. any time a guy who calls himself an incel and posts his tinder conversations, it's really obvious he has no experience talking to women. It's the kind of shit a shy 16 y/o boy would send to his crush. Like asking a girl "who's your favourite artist?". I have aspergers and even I know that it comes off as spergy and like you're an alien trying to imitate human communication.

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Normal people. Stop watching anime.

>you don't even want the bag
Do they talk like this because of rap music? It's just so trashy. Is it a zoomer thing? I've noticed that zoomers have a really poor grasp of the English language

>Like asking a girl "who's your favourite artist?"
normalfags do this. you made a bad post, please delete it

She ain't gonna fuck you dude, like fr fr don't be a fucking puss boi simp dawg.

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It's not, it's just a bunch of vague insults and euphemisms. At a bare minimum it lets him know that maybe he needs to work on how he speaks to other people, especially women. Guy could be a total sperg...or the woman could be a bitch. "I'm praying for your future wife, I'd rather be homeless and ugly than 'death do us part' with that shit personality"

>Being spiteful and bitchy
Kill yourself

>who talks like that

I'm a zoomer and I don't talk like that.

I second this. Normalfags love talking about muh music and shit. Why can't they just listen to video game music like me? Then they can experience the memory of playing with the vibe of the music, not to mention already having a library built for their specific tastes based on their video game history.
Chadfishing is unironically worth doing for true losers because it lets them get experience texting girls, even if it's on easy mode. Honestly, easy mode is how you want to start, no?

lots of zoomers talk like niggers user sorry to say

Zoomers. I hate "the bag" shit, but otherwise it's pretty normal.
I promise you that this girl is white and that you don't know how people talk IRL.

Bitches being condescending and flaunting their social dominance at you.
Thats why you have to treat them like bitches. Show them that you dont give a shit about their little opinion.