How many chads lurk Any Forums?

How many chads lurk Any Forums?

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i am almost there

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maybe 2 out of these

This was a bad idea from me.

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At least half of these are virgin traits, not chad traits. OP is a retard.

>had sex
>had more than one gf at one time
>never go a month without sex
>given a girl an orgasm

>virgin traits

Yeah, thanks for the encouragement, but I don't think this works.

came pretty close to having two gfs at a time once, it might happen yet

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How do you make that much money?

t. High schooler (18+ jannies) trying to make it

I did at one point have a lot of followers on but that's nothing that could be called "chad," kind of a zoomer-mindset to have 1k+ instagram or god forbid tik tok followers. Who gives a shit about that. Who gives a shit about sports, friends, tattoos, or body fat either.

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How tf are you making over 100K?

same as every other richfag on here, tech

Tell me exactly how nigga. Tell me what you did step by step.

I made ~320k last year. Will hopefully break 400k this year and start getting into the 500+ range next year. All cash salary + bonuses in fintech. I couldn't describe what I do specifically without doxing myself.

i got a job

based that this is an original comment desu

Tell me how you got to this point nigga. How good of a college did you go to, what did you study, what kind of internships did you do, etc.

How did you get this job? What kind of job is it?

Dude, help a young dude out. I wanna be successful like you guys when Im older.

I'm exactly 6' but figured it counted.
> tattoos
Not really much of a chad thing.
That can range from quality sleeves that costed thousands to prison tier scratchers that look like absolute shit

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>Who gives a shit about sports, friends, tattoos, or body fat either.

What do you think normies talk about all the time? That boring stuff

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read this book and follow its advice.
>have a thing you can do, that sets you apart from other people (a "secret weapon")
>use this to do things (get job, do project, get internship), then get better at the thing you're good at and figure out a better next thing to do
>do that next thing: it should be something only you can really do

I went to a public university, studied CS and psychology, worked with a professor all through undergrad which made it really easy to go to grad school, got internships at companies in grad school, worked at one of those companies, then just activated the linkedin beacon whenever I want a new job.
Maybe the dumb ones

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Thanks bro (oregano)