Reminder that if you're not having sex with that girl you like, then somebody else is

reminder that if you're not having sex with that girl you like, then somebody else is

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do guys above the age of 18 have crushes?

This is most likely the case 90% of the time anyway. The point of the post was never "she's getting plowed by Chad" it's been "she has zero interest in you and is most likely thinking about someone else", it lulls you out of thinking you ever had a shot with some girl who texts you because she likes to bitch and moan to anyone that will listen.

good, If its just sex I have a cuckold fetish anyway. but the idea of her being romantic and emotionally attached to someone else makes my blood boil

And while I'm on the subject, for the love of christ please stop talking to women online or over text. It sounds counterintuitive but if you talk to women too much they become complacent with your presence as a "shoulder to lean on" and you cement yourself as always being the guy best friend in their heads. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and this is especially true when talking to girls. Just because you act interested in beckthany's crystal collection so that she talks to you, does not mean you are any closer to getting inside her pants, and in fact may ruin your chances with her considering she most likely smells how desperate you are by the way you accomodate her shitty emotional needs. Only speak to her to arrange something in person, don't become the gay best friend that she needs to gossip with. It's a trap too many fall into.

Yikes.. incel alert! Men and women can be platonic friends just fine without wanting to fuck

if you want sex, only talk to women when you plan on taking them out
conversations are a waste of time

This does not happen in heterosexual relationships. If a man and woman are friends, it is platonically one-sided, where the woman usually has slotted the man into being too unattractive to work romantically. Any straight man with female friends, if given the opportunity, would have sex with the 'friend', no questions asked. This has been the case in 99% of male-female friendships.

most chads i know view 90% of women as purely sexual objects
unironically only incels try to befriend women

sex is always romantic and emotional on some level

true, and women fall in love to some extent with every man they fuck

kek stfu redditor

emotional maybe, you are with someone when you are most raw and vulnerable. mostly emotional from a womans end.
romantic? nah, not always. sometimes people just want to get some quick pussy or dick and have a one night stand and hook ups with random strangers.

Tell me ur an incel w/o telling me ur an incel...........

You've said nothing and haven't even made decent bait, try harder and do better. No (You).

You're literally being misogynistic

You can't just repeat random phrases from Reddit and expect me to take the bait, you have to try and construct some sort of petty argument to get people to engage. It's an artform and you're that retard that cut his ear off

Touch grass my guy

Reminder that if youre a woman your worth is partially determined by your attractiveness and your ability to add to it by means of skills aquired and if youre a gay male your ties to society are determined by your relevance and appeal to your community. I assume if youre posting this shit youre one of the two.

You're correct but please don't reply with effortposts to someone so transparently baiting
It hurts me to see someone engage with somebody not even trying at all because one day soon you will burn out

Of course the bitter sexless incel accuses everyone of baiting

You telling me a shrimp fried this rice?