January 1 2020

Take me back, bros, to where my heart belongs.
Take me back to where my soul did perish.

Attached: D5D8CF23-F0E6-4E4D-AF0F-7E0E65B0C578.jpg (800x600, 112.06K)

what is this? What happened back in January 2020?

>What happened back in January 2020?
I was reborn.

Can you just tell me what happened without being cryptic? I'm the only person here in this thread, and I am very sleepy.

I just did, I was reborn in the fires of Eternal Nofap and pacts with blood gods.
I swore an oath that night, as soon as it hit Midnight, that I would masturbate no longer.
I failed in that struggle, and ever since I have been dead inside.

a shame. your soul now belongs to the coomer gooner chaos gods, who will use you as a fleshlight for eternity.

I know, and yes, sadly I doubt there is any way to make things right. Even if I were to go 1000 days of nofap, ultimately my soul would still be forfeit.

Before I go sleep, I will offer you this. Because you failed NoFap, you failed a path to godhood, this is true. You can never walk back that path again. But you did not leave all paths to godhood. I present to you, The Primordial Coomer. Should you choose to accept, you may ascend again. On your own terms. Meet the old gods and show them that humanity creates its own destiny.

Attached: becomegodagain.png (1077x559, 267.07K)

Haha, yes, thanks for the laugh, my friend. I am ashamed to admit Ive come quite close to the Primordial Coomer in recent months.
However, that all changes come June 19.
The 900 day milestone of that sacred date in which I first swore the Eternal Nofap.

>Eternal Nofap
You said you were killing yourself on June 6th you fucking lying nigger tranny faggot fuckface

I think you are mistaking me with someone else, mayhap?

Yes, sorry im just a bit sleep deprived. Have a good day or night, user.

Sleep well, brother. :)

lol fuckin knew you wouldn't go through with it you sad little bitch

Go through with what?

charcoal burner you bloody faggot, you can play denial itt all you want but you can't hide from yourself the fact that you failed yet again

I think you may be confusing me with somebody else, partner.

keep denying, but June 6th came and went, did you even try? you probably didn't even buy a charcoal burner, what is the point of you

Im afraid I cant answer your question because I simply do not know what youre talking about, friend.

What is the point of your posts, yeah he is a faggot for lying about killing himself but you care too much and are being way too bitter about it. Have you had friends or family who genuinely killed themselves?

its fine to kill yourself, its not fine to spend your shitty little existence going "I'm gonna do it, im gonna fuckin do it someone better give me attention!" and worse still to live like that and not even follow through, Jesus christ what a dumb fucking mentality

What's with the anger? Do you want to kill yourself too but are to repressed to talk about it?

whether or not I want to kill myself I wouldnt spend hours upon hours bitching and posting that I jerked off two years ago, there is so much more scope to life and I would be pissed if I found out I was wasting it obsessing on such petty bullshit

He seems schizophrenic.