
We're going to lose the midterms aren't we, democratbros?

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you should be thankful you little faggot. that fucking demented corpse rodent STOLE the election

Probably. Republicans can basically just point at gas prices and swing state retards will vote red because they have no understanding of macroeconomics. At least they can't use Roe v. Wade as ammunition anymore.

no sorry, the new narrative is that Trump lost on purpose so that he could spend november 2020 thru january 2021 riling up his base and they would be mad enough to storm the capital.
he lost on purpose because it's the easiest way to dismantle democracy.

this is according to MSNBC's rachel maddow.

People areangry about roe v Wade and will go out to vote.

>Rig all the media to spout left wing propaganda
>Rig all sports to kneel for black men (intra racial crime is overwhelmingly black on white)
>Rig all the schools to teach far left propaganda
>Rig all the corporations to run seminars how white men are evil
Nah man, the election wasn't rigged. You're crazy if you think democrats would stoop so low. You must be a fucking white male or something.

No they won't dipshit. Advocates for baby murder were already voting Democrat. Pro life advocates were already voting Republican.

People couldn't care less about Roe v. Wade when gas is at an all-time high -- something that has far, FAR more impact on their daily life than abortion.

>MSNBC's rachel maddow.
It amazes me how left wing Alex Jones still has a show.

Fuck stupid democrats, long live the republican!

>Republicans can basically just point at gas prices and swing state retards will vote red because they have no understanding of macroeconomics.
If you think democrats are the party of economics then I've got news for you.

Gas prices are high in every country

I know many republican women who are angry about it

Pump more oil dipshit. Democrats don't understand the very first lesson of economics 101. How are you not getting this?

I would be mad too. If my right to murder my children was being taken away then I'd be pissed.
I never had such a right. I believe in equality, neither gender should have the right to legally murder their children.

Are those Republican women in the room with you right now?

OK, and? What type of weird no-response is this? It says nothing about the prices being at an all-time high in the US, nor its effect compared to abortion outlook.

Waste of time.

Sadly we're bad at messaging and they're going to make it all about Trump and the Insurrection which was bad but to the best of my knowledge not many people care about compared to rising prices and inflation. It's ogre out there.

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They are at an all time high everywhere.
And childcare is more expensive.

>Be democrats
>Suck Israels dick
>To completely split the right wing all you have to do is mention the USS Liberty incident and demand an apology. Something completely superficial politically for Israel. Organize something in the background to make sure things go smoothly with the apology.
>Neo-Right will love it.
>RINO will rage and seethe.
>You can generate infighting in the news. Splitting the right wing easily by getting Israel to do something pointless.
Democrats are literally retarded. If you wanna be a cock sucking faggot, just vote Green or Commie.

They talk about January 6th because they can't talk about June 15th. Democrats have done nothing about inflation. Democrats lied about inflation calling it "transitory" for months on end. Then they lied claiming that Putin caused it. Inflation was cause by paying people to sit home through lockdowns.

Democrats in the US is nothing more than an anti-white, anti-male party. What other common factor do blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, women and gays have in common? They are united by their shared hatred of the white man.

>In common is a hatred of the white man
Not according to Trump's voter turnout.
I just realized. They don't even need to get the apology. Just have Ihlan Omar stir the pot, and meme it hard enough to splinter the right.