Graduated College at 25

I graduated college at 25. Is it over for me? I feel so embarrassed when I tell people I graduated at 25.

>inb4 college is a scam
I graduated with a software engineering degree and got a good job upon graduation.

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Just don't tell people that? It's at the age where it's not normal, and not so old that people will cheer for you. Also you got a good job so there's not much to be regretful or sad about.
Good for you on graduating.

I have friends who are 25 still trying to get computer science or engineering degrees, just tell them you switched to part time at some point to focus on other things (work or taking care of family) which is why it took you a bit longer. That's what they did and they don't get any weird looks for it.

How can I not tell people that? Should I just lie? Will females make fun of me for graduating at 25? I graduated at 25 because I switched majors and took a gap year.

I also feel like I wasted my life. Im only making money in my mid 20s while all my peers are making money in their early 20s.

Buddy you sound like you're whining over absolutely nothing. I need you to understand that real women do not care about the exact age you graduated college or got a job or anything. At most they'll ask what year you finished college. What they care about is what you're CURRENTLY doing.

If you talk to a girl and say something like "Yeah I graduated last year, now I work at x place and it pays pretty well" the entire topic will be dropped and they will not dig any deeper or look into your transcripts or anything to find out exact details.

Source: This weekend I met a friend's sister and she said "Oh what'd you go to college for?" and I said when I graduated and with what degree and she said when she graduated and with what degree, age did not come up at any point whatsoever during the conversation, neither did what age I got my first job at (I was also a late bloomer), just what we were currently doing.

I graduated at 33.
Do you feel superior to someone now?

I graduated at 27. With No job.

Graduating at 25 is far from something to feel ashamed about. Many people never graduate, and many never attend college at all. Many people are not finished their education at 25, such as grad school students and people who have taken gap years or switched majors - just like you. Your circumstance is not abnormal.

You will be fine as long as you don't act ashamed or insecure about it. People will pick up on that rather than graduating at (insert age here).

I dropped out at 22 and I don't give a fuck.

Everybody has a different path user, switching majors and gap years is no big deal, just be proud that you did finish.

How much of a faggot are you in real life, I'm a fucking loser irl and nobody "makes fun of me", stop being a faggot. Grow a spine and if people give you shit being a cunt right back.


>being embarassed about graduating at 25

Nevermind OP, disregard, if you're that sensitive don't even bother standing up for yourself because it will get worse, and yes you're an idiot and everyone will make fun of you

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Stop caring so much. Who's gonna laugh at you about it realistically?
If so screw them.

What the fuck is wrong with you, OP? You graduated, got a job and you are still whining? I mean ok, graduating at 30+ my be a little too much but 25?! Really?!
By that logic you should worry about anything that doesn't make you appear like an average Joe.
Everyone will make fun of you for worrying about what others think. Most people can sense uncertain people like you and you become an easy target. So grow a spine and tell people proudly that you graduated at 25 and tell them the whole truth why you did it.

wtf most people graduate at 23-24 years of age. how cucked can one incel be to whine about graduating college at 25 and landing a good job right after? congrats bro you're now part of the 25% of young adult in muttland who earned a bachelor's.

thats wild. im the exact same. just graduated at 25 for SE, went from 19 to 21 to junior year then had to take off 3 years to work because things changed for my family financially and we couldnt take another loan. then 24 to 25 did my junior and senior year and graduated.

It doesn't matter at all. I didn't even go and because I have a nice home, wife, and car adults don't care. Some boomers will ask me if I'm renting my home (I'm not), customers will make comments about how I need to go to school to get a better job, etc. And I just ask them when they paid their homes off and I just paid mine off and it feels great.
The retards that think this shit matters are the debt ridden losers that immediately second mortgage their home the second they can't afford a vacation. They will work until they die. They are losers.

I should clarify, I meant mature adults. Not wine guzzling debt boomers and nigger rich designer clothing rentoid consoomer gen z and millenials.

I just graduated at 33 with a bachelor's in electrical engineering a little over a month ago.
I've had no job offers and hardly any replies. Everyone I graduated with is already working as an engineer and today I'm starting my first day at Pizza Hut.

at the rate im going, ill have my bachelors degree by the time in 27.

Try southeastern michigan

Who gives a shit? People these days go to college at all sorts of ages now that it has become a weird prerequisite to do anything.

Nigger nobody cares, fuck you for making this humble brag post and actually getting replies. There are people starting college at 25, or even later. Get over yourself.