ITT: Questions that cannot be refuted

ITT: Questions that cannot be refuted

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>if jews exist in your country they will work to undermine it, what should be done about this?

Why is the benefit of labor redistributed but not reproduction?

Obviously the answer is to kill all the jews

This question is more important than they think. The so called social contract is due for renegotiation.

So when are we overturning society? The system is clearly bad for us so it needs to be destroyed.

Why don't you losers ever take accountability for your mediocrity? If it's not women being responsible for your dry dick, it's a super secret collective of jewish people gaming the system to keep you broke, drugged, and politically marginalised. It's really embarrassing to observe. Don't get me wrong, you're not entirely to blame for your pathetic lives, because childhood trauma and socioeconomic inequality actually exist, but if you possess the resources to post this shit here, then surely you possess the resources to GET HELP, GO TO THERAPY, READ A BOOK, BECAUSE YOU'RE SUFFERING FROM SERIOUSLY DEBILITATING COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, FFS

what. no one thinks like that, sperg.

Aristotle himself could not answer

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If you can't get pussy just get gud?

Or you can just live with the fact your S/o dated someone before you and not behave like a fucking chile whose toy was used by another kid

no pussy no work
no pussy no taxes

>What's the matter, user? Aren't you going to kiss me?

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>oh you use door handles? silly don't you realise that people who masturbated are also using them? omg you basically touched a dick you geh fgt xDxD

Same level of argument

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>mfw can't date any man because all of them have once eaten something spoiled and then that will transfer into my mouth when we kiss

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>why do people think that depression exists when anyone can get therapy?

Typical normie response, to boil the situation down to simply physical disgust rather than the emotional implication. Enjoy never being able to pair-bond with your used-goods whore girlfriend.

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even with your jaded and near psychopathic view of dating, you faggots still can't refute this

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Oh my god is that pebblechuck le redpilled gigachad? I'm coooooming

Um sweetie chudcel, wimminz aren't objects.

Whatever at least I get laid

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