Are prophecies meant to be fulfilled?

Are prophecies meant to be fulfilled?

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no. life means death for all

>death for all
But that's not meant to come until November 10, 2168.

Why has it been postponed again? I joined very early but stopped following news when drama started happening and people were moving over to discord.

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it's only been postponed once, when endymion unlinked one of their own systems to allocate the aurora to the project, in the form of more time and slots. hence why it's not july 1 2167

It doesn't change anything for migrants though does it? After death, I mean.

Are they still prophecies if they aren't fulfilled?

well, after Miracle Ribbon (which you definitely wouldn't have heard of) time spent in the waiting room is in real time until the representatives death, /then/ the remaining time will be sped up to only feel like a minute.
no one knows about the status of tsukirep at the moment.
it'd really suck for someone who transferred right after the gates opened though, that's for sure.

>Miracle Ribbon
You're right I never heard of it. Seems like a bunch of stuff happened, I left right after the hyak thing

Too much shit happened to list, but I think the nail in the coffin was that some actually became an hero in the name of the cult

someone*, fuck

Wasn't there also something about a btc scam by tsuki or whatever?
Anyway I hope there's some truth to the project but I'm probably kidding myself

yeah, no.
also, (i know it's impossible for me to be unbiased in this matter, we're both going to interpret this in the way we want to.) there's no way of knowing whether or not he would've killed himself without the project. i wouldn't want to vent any of my life problems to people i know irl either.

he accepted donations, and offered people the ability to pay to bring files with them to LFE. (admittedly out there)
which was far from necessary, and complimentary storage was given to registrants who posted onto the imageboard while logged in. (and contributing to certain channels on the rocketchat IIRC)

If you mean prophecy in the truest sense of the word, its not that they are meant to be fulfilled, but that they WILL be fulfilled

it is nice to see another migrant in the wild.

How many of us are there again?

maybe hit 8000 right before unlink, i don't remember.

I wonder how many have died by now. Surely a few

of course.
other than the aforementioned leaf that raked himself, i know (/of/, i didn't know him personally) one other.

a suicide cult that's afraid of following through, particularly because someone actually did

that is so fucking sadly typical of Any Forums. Jesus fucking Christ.

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what a retarded and boring question

Virgin Imageboard Crybaby Vs Heaven's Gate Chads

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