Most men are violent, pedophile rapists that pretend otherwise

>most men are violent, pedophile rapists that pretend otherwise
How do I find a bf who won't cut my head off or use my to performed disgusting sex acts?

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Be worth more to him alive and undefiled.

find a younger bf and dom him

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Men are violent beasts but at the same time women are socialized to be lesser than men in virtually every capacity.

Dumb question but picrel is semi-accurate. Video games are logically for women. They are physically passive and involve endless busy work, much like weaving or picking berries. Men need to do things more analogous to hunting and building and fighting, i.e. providing, creating, and dominating. Modern society has conditioned them against this though, as the sort of person who can sit and do tedious work for hours is a far more useful worker. Its really very sad.
Picrel is me imparting wisdom

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define tasteful sex acts please, just to check if I may be the one
fear not about this, I'm Catholic, not a muslim

just don't date blacks and muslims

The artist of this is a literal tranny btw if it wasn't glaringly obvious to you

Women pass up these guys because the men they actually want to fuck are deep voiced psychos with game (treat her mean keep her keen).
You wouldn't have to worry about these kinds of men if you weren't dead set on having their kids.
Of course because OP posted Lain I doubt he even has ovaries.

What fucking good is a femoid if I'm not getting sex?
Why would I want an emotional and financial parasite unless I get to reproduce?
Literally useless.

why do trannies love Lain so damn much

relatively androgynous
tech aesthetic
gloominess of the anime

>whining about being oppressed
Nothing is stopping you from doing that lol.

>How do I find a bf
Go to your local gay bar

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You talk to me. I do not watch porn, masturbate, or lust after women. I want a pure, innocent relationship like Sonic and Amy. If that interests you, then please add me at my discord Magicpickle#8983

You will never be a woman you stupid fucking tranny
Your axe wound smells disgusting

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Hmm I think you just know? If you aren't scared by them then no problem! I used to have a roommate who always shouted and cussed when playing videogames, it kind of scared me actually, so just not people like that I suppose.

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>projecting your fantasies that hard

fucking thought something was up

Find a soft virgin loser male who doesn't post on Any Forums and hope they're okay with a tranner who lainposts on the robot board, which in itself is a pretty big blip on the "violent pedophile rapist with homicidal tendencies" radar.

The funny thing is you yourself are a man so maybe you should go die in a war asshole