What should I name her?

what should I name her?

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Bea, or Beeatrice

all your name recommendations were great, thank, you guys

bearturd. check these doubles

Dubs and you have to name her bhapisgapotgjasoghtjaogjtoiajbgsnbtawhjt


Fucking kill it.

how can you say something like that to this innocent little soul?

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post your feet you look pretty pale

is this bait? that's a fucking yellowjacket dude

I wish I could kiss her

Is it a bee or a wasp? Looks kinda like a wasp, but wasps tend to be aggressive

Stamp it and send the gore

I love wasps, even though I've been stung a few times in the 90s and one last year. They're really neat.

Squash that little yellow demon now!

you post your feet first

Horny since it's a hornet. Although maybe its a wasp. I forgot the difference.

They're the scourge of insectdom. I'd rather let a spider crawl on me.

Femdom? Nah, I'm into insectdom >:^)