Female "depression" vs male depression

Female "depression" vs male depression

Attached: jflatfemales.png (1045x625, 677.48K)

Men experience the left form of depression too we just don't whine about it as much

Thats not depression thats being normal. Normal people have moods. You aren't special so stop trying to fit in here.

The second image is uncannily peaceful. Like one of those "finally I can rest, finally it's over" moments.

That never happens on male depression.
That's unironically dopamine overdose, the only type of "depression" a femoid can experience is fake depression due to dopamine overdose. You should go into detox asap through keto, fasting and practicing logic games or increase your serotonin levels to counter the dopamine.

Females can get laid anytime. I can't. Male depression is mostly lack of sex and love. Your appearance is repulsive to women.

Attached: 6d7c32e2e03ae994627fcdf6a27a2037.jpg (236x245, 6.64K)

No, depression is a mental illness. The real blackpill is when you finally get laid and realise it wasn't responsible for the majority of your problems and you feel just as empty and hopeless as before.

Isn't that the Kindle logo?

Dawww baby's first blackpill

Regular sex and love would take away most of my depression.

Rofl it sure is. I love the symbolism. It's like poetry.

Attached: kindle_app_logo.jpg (1400x1400, 99.71K)

Personally it was the last and the not first for me. All my solutions for depression were in vain and now the only thing I can think of is either drugs or roping.

Why do moids think there aren't women who genuinely suffer out there? Yes, women with mental health problems get understanding bfs while they're young and attractive, but that doesn't magically make their problems go away.

The suicide stats range from 3-5x as much for men, that's at least a good 20% of foids that are suffering on the level of depressed men. The way Any Forums makes it out, you'd think foids never suffered depression and only killed themselves at 1/10,000 the rate of men.

Most of the female suicide attempt rate stats are skewered by cluster B thots racking up like 500 attempts in a lifetime for attention. They aren't representative of most suicidal women.

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Depression is most of the time caused by loneliness. A sex isn't going to make you not lonely. Our goals aren't to get laid, it just for love and affection. To be noticed at all and treated like a human being.

What does a woman have to kill herself over? Chad not texting her and having to put up with Brad instead? Give me a fucking break.

I guess having your looks fade away rapidly and your eggs drying up does it's toll on your mental health.

>Females can get laid anytime. I can't.

You can get laid anytime you want if you pay.

dude those dried up crusty women are still more valuable than the best men on the dating market, their problem is like going from upper class to middle class and acting like it's the end of the world

The pic on the right should have a plate of tendies and a laptop with Any Forums on the screen

>missing the point this hard
the appeal of getting laid is being worth someone's time and having fun together
if you pay to get laid you're just confirming that you're a burden and time with you is a chore that has to be compensated
how are you this fucking stupid

I remember my friend lost his virginity to a prostitute. What happened? He couldn't kiss her. He couldn't cum. He lost his HV but no kiss. Transactional intimacy is fucking horse shit and I don't give a fuck, I'd rather be a KHV than a literal kisless but not a virgin. Fucking awful. I'll spend that 300 bucks on 150 cheap beers instead

Instead of lusting and jumping on chad's dick after dick, maybe they should have pair-bonded an actual relationship with someone?