Why does chan hate women so much? I just want to be your frien

Why does chan hate women so much? I just want to be your frien

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Who is this chan you speak of?

user chan

Not a hivemind. Worst board to make friends. 'Pontificate for your edification'.
>Verification not required

What? I don't hate women, I only hate negros, jews and trannies

Show us your tits on soc or get the fuck out

i dont hate women im just afraid of them

I don't really hate women. But I can't really talk to them without becoming extremely attached and terrified of being abandoned. So I just don't bother

Why user? I don't think i'm that scary

I hate you because you ruin my day with your threads and faggots respond to them. Yes, I hate them as well. If you want me not to hate you, stop posting and delete your thread

I don't hate women, they are just disappointing overall. Sad little creatures

Why? Random femanon's tits on the internet is temporary, femanon friend is forever

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largely out of spite, ppl hate seeing femanons having wholsome discord online, probs cus they have no way of partaking cus they are stunted degens, so they just resort to being as uncooth and offensive as possible to scare them off cus copium, i think

because women hate themselves and want men to hate them as well

How would we be friends. Also post tits and ass

Actually, you have that backwards. Online friendship is temporary, a saved tit pic is forever

I have titpics that were fucking emailed to me from femanons on Any Forums circa 2008 that I can still view at will

I've never had a online "friend" last longer than like a year.

Holy fuck this board is overrun with normiescum and orbiters isn't it?

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I've had female best friends before. I'd kill myself before ever dating females again.

Based king, speak the truth

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But i'm the same when I talk to males.

That's a lie. I have friends I met from Any Forums 3 years ago. We're still mutuals on IG and facetime often. You probably just have a bad personality.

Just stop man, larping isn't fun. Have considered NRY? Neck roping yourself

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I don't hate women either. We can be friends

>You probably just have a bad personality.

That's a theory. Another one is I just have a life outside of the internet and am smart enough to know that online friendships are not real.