What's the best professional wrestling show you've attended live?

What's the best professional wrestling show you've attended live?

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Summerslam 2019

I don't watch wrestling.


This is the only show I've ever been to. I was 7 or 8 years old. youtube.com/watch?v=0mN0mOg9D4I&ab_channel=SlamZone

tie between superbrawl 5 and Bash 96

Raw after KOTR 98

Full Gear 2021 or Elimination Chamber 2014 I don’t fucking know anymore

uk raw in 2009. when dx came back the second time. was pretty fun, ended with carder coming out which was unexpected. this was when they didnt use cena on UK shows because he would get booed too hard, but then he came out after the dark match and they all beat up orton and everyone start chanting his name which put a stop to that

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Happy Birthday to me...

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Went to an ECW show in September 2000. Was in Salem, NH. Was based. Ballz Mahoney wrestled "Confederate Currency" Chris Hamrick. The crowd started throwing soda, beers and pizza trays into the ring to the point where Ballz had to basically tell the fans to stop throwing shit in the ring. Its on the September 30, 2000 episode of ECW Hardcore TV at the 28:40 mark. They did two weeks worth of tapings at the show. Later on there was a tag match between Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino and HC Loc vs Justin Credible, Rhino and Danny Daniels. I'm pretty sure it was in this match where they went all over the arena and they came over by where I was sitting. Atlas Security guys were there and some dumb mark got too close to the wrestlers and one of the Atlas guys grabbed this faggot mark by the front of his shirt and chucked him into a row of chairs. Knocked over like 3 or 4 rows of chairs it was based. It was either during that match or a tag match between RVD and Kid Kash vs The Baldies. Bought a bunch of ECW tapes and NJPW tapes there. Got a tape of Benoit and a bunch of his NJPW Wild Pegasus stuff and ECW stuff. The show was fucking awesome.

summerslam 1992

Jericho debut Raw in Chicago. Hottest crowd ever.

WM26 & Royal Rumble 2013
Feels good being a Zonie.

ive only ever been to MITB 2013. It was a cool experience but pretty shit card. All I remember is "I got a lot left in the tank" Mark Henry vs Cena and Heyman turning on Punk

ill probably also go to the WM 2024 in Philly

Summerslam 2009, 11, & 13. I know this board (justifiably) hates Punk, but I loved his matches against Jeff, Cena, and Brock at those shows.

WrestleMania X8

Raw in early 2012 that had The Rock. Literally the only reason why I went.

Forbidden Door
