
Belated D-Day edition

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Mix of schizo and rapper. Sometimes when I'm high I freestyle about spiders coming out of my skull.

i become a go-getter
it's like adderall

First time on edibles turned me into a Schizo.
I legitimately felt like the credits were rolling on my life and that everything looked like a stage set. I was convinced I was dying. Shit sucked and it took over 3 years to recover "fully".

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Rapper actually, even tho I'm white and racist and don't like rap. But it's really fun to think up rhymes when I'm high.

We just given up on linking the links here?

Also I got mistakenly shipped liquid K, told the dealer but lost my login info, wonder what his responce ever was

Anyhow wtf i do with it? DO i just buy a needle and inject it? Never shot anything and how much do i do

Can i just drink it? Seems like a poor ROI

I dont get how captain ammerica is a simp

the napper!

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I am a muncher

ordered like 6 of these to qualify for free shipping

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So what is some fun shit I can do on lean with friends? Or are we just gonna lie there like faggots feeling really good?

dry it out. put it on a plate ontop of a pot with water in it. heat/boil water. it will dry up the K to snortable powder

tfw truck driver so cant take le thc REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Ill never know that feeling

also u can put it on a plate and put it in the microwave

like just a normal kitchen plate and pot? OR like one of those science type plates and pots

Thanks bros

now if if google can just find me a time to cook it

just a normal ceramic plate. spread K out on the plate. fill a pot with water. boil at low temp. place plate ontop of the pot. watch the K. you will be able to see when its dry

used to just have fun with it, just enhanced everything, but it started making me super anxious, even with minute doses and tolerance breaks.
kept pushing it anyways, and eventually I started having debilitating anxiety attacks about 5G radiation and extreme deja vu and shit, figured it was time to stop a couple weeks ago. fucking sucks.

drug testing is retarded. i may not be able to job hunt tili finish my order of 6 carts fuck those shit wages anyway

Hang out in a parking lot banging screw in whoever's car has the loudest stereo

Say MAYYYYNE HOL UP regularly

>t. houstonfag

The schizo.
Puts me in a really bad mood nowadays like every minute thing pisses me off, makes me second guess everything people do and say and assume the worst. My thoughts race so I can't relax or sleep but are also disordered and slow.

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