Is a girl who can opera sing attractive to guys?

Is a girl who can opera sing attractive to guys?

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>Is a gir....

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only if she doesn't obnoxiously sing all the fucking time. otherwise yeah, being talented, passionate, and humble about it is very attractive.

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You have bobs and vagene. You'll always be attractive to most men.

The Opera thing might turn them on if they think you'll be loud during sex, I guess. If that's the case though, avoid that type of guy anyway.

dgfsdfgsdfgsdfg, fdgsdfgds.

> sadoijgsdifgojd

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Yes. The ability to sing, especially if it's something tasteful like opera, is a very attractive trait in a girl.

Why do girls ask is x attractive to guys when the answer is always guys dont give a shit don't be a 1/10 or obese and congrats guys will be attracted to you, and hell there are even "men" attracted to those disqualifiers mentioned before.

honestly the more a womans mouth stays closed the more i like her. so i will say no

>7 replies in 7 minutes

Interesting how you just can't find a man

I think it's really cool because I like opera. Last one I watched with a friend was La Boheme, last one I watched by myself was Lucia di Lammermoor. A girl who could share opera with me would be someone special.

>tfw had mini crush on Sara Brightman when I was younger
I think that says enough OP

Is she white?

Thanks guys you made me feel a little better about myself.

idk, post a video of you singing with your tits expoded.

I'll answer your question with a question
is sick as fuck guitar fingering hot? (the answer to both is yes)

The only thing attractive about girls is that they're cute. Not that they're into things.

Opera singing is very beautiful when done well. Not gonna immediately date you if you belt out a song but I'll at least cheer when the song is over.

No problem user. Now kys.

if she isn't fat

Thank you for this post user.

You bet your fucking ass it is. I'd be over the moon for you.
But I'm just speaking for myself.

>woman being retarded for attention

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Girls who are passionate about their hobbies are attractive as long as they aren't obsessed.

The only girl I had almost a crush on had a beautiful voice.
Hell that was the reason i grew fond of her.
I can't even remember how she looks like but I can still remember her voice.

yes men go crazy over singing voices
are you not familiar with siren stories?