I don't like JR

I don't like JR

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>so brit, are you happy with YOUR PUSH??? HAPPY WITH YOUR PUSH KID??? WANNA FUCKIN PUSH!!!!! FUCKIN LITTLE PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many girls has JR slept with since joining AEW?

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at least rebel and rosa

Doesn't he have the pool to himself everyday? His wife has been dead for years.


so thats why the rats still went for him

What happen eye?

Urban youth

Attached: boom boom.jpg (900x1200, 152.66K)

>sunbathing an ankle he just had skin cancer in

mirin that bulge


its okay he didnt use sunscreen

Jr is a bumbling goofball. Vince was right to relentlessly mock him.

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>gushing blood
>too funny not to share
based jr

he sucks the air out of the room and half the time i can't even tell what he's saying, at least taz is on dynamite weekly now

Sup Adam

Fuck JR, he is a carny faggot