All girls want turbo dominant + confident guys

>all girls want turbo dominant + confident guys
what even is the fucking point of having a girlfriend if I can't relax around the damn bitch?

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there's no point. I would be very insecure.

Just be confident. You're gonna die one day, mate. Memento motherfucking mori.

what is the point of having a guy if he won't make me feel nice by acting confident and manly?

guys don't provide, they can't build a house for you, there's no other point to having a bf other than wanting to spend time with a nice confident guy who gives you butterflies in your stomach and makes you want to make him feel happy and relaxed in turn.

>too short to even worry about my personality mattering
Feels good/bad man.

>>too short to even worry about my personality mattering
how short?

>whore expects me to pay for her existence on top of being on edge at all times
I might as well fuck myself instead you slag

5'1"/154cm. I've made my peace with it desu.

Jesus fucking tap dancing christ on a pop tart, you know that women never say exactly what they mean, right?

When they say be dominant and confident, they arent talking about Patrick Bateman in the body of Lou Ferrigno, its moreso a confidence like Spike speigal or James Dean.

The problem with this circle of fuckwhits is that you'll take an obvious observation and somehow hyperbolize it and transform it into something with a male sensibility. The Chad Thundercock or even Gigachad meme is so far removed from what women actually ovulate to (Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Pattinson) but you'll hypeebolize it using attributes you are personally attracted to.

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>just be Chad xD

doesn't really change my point

Say that again but in English.

if i'm gonna be expected to pop out kids while you chill, you should to do something productive as well.

Same implications.
She doesn't love or else you could drop the shield.
In that very real way she's hostile.

Women can do as such in comas.
You're doing nothing.

Like put on the fake facade of a domineering asshole just so you can get your "tingles" or whatever? Eat shit.

Nobody gives a fuck about what whores want lmao. They get meat in their mouth when lounging around.

females suck bro
look they think bc they bare children we should do the most let holes flock towards u if that doesnt happen ur either fat or not well paid fix either and u should be fine

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Fucking lmao never had a shot

You dont even know what a chad is anymore so why even bother with it?
You all overanalyze this shit and make shit seem insurmountable. You don't have to be a fucking sociopath to get laid.

My nigga.... I'm actually so sorry for you man. That's fucked. If there's any pity to be given, any blackpill to be had, it's being very short as a man

I hope you find a girl to love you user

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They literally can't do that.
Try to get over it. That's all you can do