Have any robots watched the contrapoints incel video? What did you think?

Have any robots watched the contrapoints incel video? What did you think?

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The conclusion was "learn the guitar" wooow such insight, nobody has thought of this.
27 year old guitar player virgin I found by pure chance None of these people have a clue. Or they do but don't like what they find so they pretend it's something else. Snakes.

I thought the point was to basically stop using incel sites since they promote the idea that your life is over, and that is genuine suifuel.

I don't really remember it but I remember thinking it was better then most other opinions have seen on incels but it was still bad. Nobody can talk about incles without feeling the need to show how virtuous they are.

>stop using incel sites
I've gone months at a time without coming to this shithole and it's had no real effect on my mental health whatsoever. I don't know why people can't just admit that being genuinely alone is an inhuman condition and will drive you insane. They always have to come up with some other bullshit, to try to explain why incels are the way they are.

well I agree it was still better than most, but IMO that's the best you can get from someone who is not an incel themselves and does not agree with the redpill or blackpill.

Watch at 2x speed boys its a waste of time www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD2briZ6fB0

It was shit from a clueless faggot.
Here is the only decent video conversation about incels/inceldom I have seen by normies who are surprisingly understanding and not just looking to proclaim their hate.

>more than half an hour long
Yeah... probably not.
TLDR please

The person talking looked disgusting so I couldn't really pay attention

Maybe it's an individual thing, bc I'm addicted to r9k and it has been my internet 'base' for years, but whenever I do stop using it, I feel more hopeful and less depressed, even if the hope is a cope in the end.

surprisingly charitable and that's as much opinion as I can give without thinking about it for longer than I want to

Do people actually watch disgusting retarded trannies and other assorted leftists spew out bullshit on youtube?

No they don't.

> People still take this faggot seriously.
Peak society.

> That's the modern western tranny.


Cannot compete!!

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She's not talked about here much, but I assumed you guys would like her to some degree, since she has gotten plastic surgery to look better (well, more like a woman) and is very open about how face matters more these days thanks tinder for example

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All these videos on the subject can be boiled down to
>women are saints, you need to lift in the shower while playing the guitar to get pussy.
They never honestly address the critiques or subjects that those they disagree with have and present their argument as if it were a panacea wrapped up in a night little hole.

Only video I think addresses the dating situation in modern society was the distributists video, even if his conclusion isn't the best in the world.


pls be b8

Basically they try to explain incel slang term and get them wrong and thats as far as I've gotten

> She
Hahahaha my sides lmao

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