How intelligent are your parents?

How intelligent are your parents?

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Barely finished HS, yet they expected me to graduate from STEM.

My dad couldn't read and my mum can unfortunately read, She isn't stupid but she believes everything she reads on Facebook. Bit of a gullible midwit.

My mom is fairly intelligent, my dad is wicked smart. Way way smarter than I am.

bump the bumpfuck shitstain

My mom is slightly above average (average being basically retarded though) and my dad said he scored 140 on an IQ test as a kid, Im not sure the extent of that but he has been very successful in his career so. I have to be at least 115.

More interestingly, I actually knew a kid whose parents were both retarded, mom didnt work and dad worked at a supermarket, yet he was very talented at math. The teacher praised him and some of the male students including me. He didnt even pass english but got top grades in math. He was very depressed and somewhat weird. I think he jacked off to comics and cartoons. I tried to be his friend after HS but I couldn't connect with him. I'm sure his life is doomed now. He's probably NEETing and thinking of an heroing.

My IQ is 143 so my parents are either incredibly intelligent or I am an anomaly

My dad was very smart, my mom is smart too but incredibly naive in the typical boomer way

My father is a mathlet. However he is socially/street smart, unlike me.
My mother is math-smart, not that much but at least quite above average. He got it from my grandfather who was (probably) exceptionally intelligent, he didn't do anything out of it though.

Absolute fucking retards from Kentucky. They were poor white trash who died when I was 2 so I was raised by my grandma who wasn't very smart but she was a Saint and not trashy.

I graduated with a STEM degree and am now an engineer. I'm an anomaly and I think about it often. My brother is one year younger than me and he's poor white trash.

My father got an associate's degree in film and is somewhat street smart, listens to a lot of non-fiction and motivational speakers, he's not the smartest guy around but he has a sense of logic behind all of his actions.

My mom dropped out of middle school and is one of the dumbest people I know and reacts purely off of emotion, and thinks she is always right regardless of evidence, so talking with her is frustrating.

my father is highly intelligent my mother did well academically and has a well-paying skilled job but is a fucking retard npc drone

I am also highly intelligent (boy) and my sister is very good at school but one of the dumbest people i jhave met, npc drone with no interests of her own

Mom is a stupid drunk and an art major

Dad is a box checking engineer and not very smart.

One good thing about my mom is that she bakes good cookies once in awhile.

Dad is OK at repairing vehicles, but I had to complain a lot to get him to show me how to do anything. And he wasn't that good at showing me how to do stuff. Thankfully, YouTube tutorials became a thing shortly after I needed to learn some car repair stuff.

Both are above average, as am I.
It makes my sister really stand out as none of us can figure out why she turned out the way she did (she is below average somehow despite the best efforts of the rest of the family).

My mom is dumb but is always singing and happy
My dad is more logical, but he can't control his own emotions, so he's intolerable to be around. My mom doesn't like him.

My mom is a fucking retard and my dad is decently smart. I will say I am smarter than both of them without a doubt although I think I'm on the same level with my brother.

My grandma on my mothers side was very smart though.

Dad held typical taxi driver political views. He was a bit narcissistic so any contradictive views just resulted in him raising his voice untill everyone just gave up trying to contradicts his political views.

Mum is/was a generic wino facebook mom, but held more progressive views than my dad. but I've never heard her utter anything that would be considered an educated opinion.

Neither had an education higher than high school.

So I guess around 95-100 IQ, very average.

Im seeing a trend in here. Scary, very very scary!

I'm adopted so I don't think I can answer your question. But both my parents are average intelligence

Same, though my mother is still stupid in some aspects.

The single mother that raised to me quit school in 8th grade and is currently getting disability benefits for a learning disability.
The man that impregnated her that I've never met lives in a singlewide trailer in a rural town, I don't know much about him.

It was over for me before it even began.

Mom was a straight A student in high school except in gym class which she never attended, for that reason she wasn't allowed to graduate and just got her GED which she aced on the first attempt. She wanted to be a marine biologist ig but that kinda killed her plans so she ended up doing some nursing but that's about it. As for my dad, he graduated high school, did normal, but he was really creative, liked to make art and play the guitar and such and even taught himself a bit of a language. Idk what this says about my intelligence though. I scored relatively high in openness to experience on the big 5 personality test so there's that.