Which do you prefer

Which do you prefer on women, heavy and seductive eyelids like on the left, or elegant hooded ones like on the right?

Attached: agnadfngadflkg.png (612x266, 227.14K)

It doesn't matter to me. As long as she's great company, I don't give a shit. Except if she's fat. That's where I'm drawing the line.

None, monolidded asian cuties is where it's at

Both those eyes are ugly desu.

Both large eyelids and hooded eyes can be attractive on women. It really depends on her other features and how they compliment them

heavy eyelid women seem more innocent and kind. hooded eyes are kinda bitchy and calculating. that's just my experience though.

my pussy's not gonna get any more wet over one type of fucking eyelid than the other, stfu

Neither is a deal breaker, but nothing gets me more diamond than eyes like on the left.

Attached: asdsdvb.jpg (1058x790, 104.41K)

I have big sad crying dog eyes, no heavy no elegant, no wonder I never got a compliment on my eyes
I love eyes

I made a collage of women with heavy eyelids. Lmk if you want me to make one of women with hooded eyes.

Attached: collage~2.jpg (1164x900, 238.42K)

What the fuck is that thing in the top middle

I think it's the mouth that's off-putting you

I do not trust left
Right is cute and looks pleasant

>he doesn't realize the right has "cum on my face" vibes
>he doesn't realize the left has "cum down my throat" vibes

hooded gets me wooded.

Hooded eyes are a low trust feature

Made a collage of hooded eyes.

Maybe it's just me but I find all of these women quite generically pretty and a bit too masculine looking, not exactly beautiful. But perhaps I'm biased. It really depends on the girls overall features and phenotype desu.

Attached: collage (2).jpg (1200x900, 370.04K)

im a guy and i have these eyes its over for me

Can I see the rest of right's face she looks very cute

bjerk, Tay tay and the girl next to her have epicanthal folds

pretty sure girls like pretty eyes

not when im balding with those eyes men need to look robust not pretty