Robots, how was your life back in school? Were you bullied?

I remember not having friends and locking myself in a toilet stall every break and eating my food there and crying because I didn't want to sit alone at a table

What was your experience like robot bros?

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was the annoying class clown until 5th/6th grade when a comment from a black top monitor made me realize how hard I was trying to make friends and get others to laugh. after that and moving districts I was just the quiet kid all the way till high school graduation. Got bullied once and it ended in a fight, besides that I wasn't really bothered ever

>Got bullied once and it ended in a fight,
Who won?

i had basically one "friend" but later it turned out he only hanged out with me because he had no other options. once he found a better company we stopped talking. i had good grades but almost no socialization.

i had no friends and would go home at lunch to not have to publicly eat alone, but at least i wasn't bullied i guess.

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im gonna go with me, though my opinion is obviously biased. walked away from that with no wounds or bruises or anything, other guy got a cut on his cheek. besides that cut neither of us were really hurt at all

>but at least i wasn't bullied i guess.
yeah same.
I've never seen anyone get bullied at my school desu

me neither. i feel if anything, people were extra nice to the weird kids to their faces, and then would just make fun of them behind their backs later

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Bullied all my life by family and "friends."

I was a turbo-fat ass with moobs and when grade 7 hit, it all shot into my height and people started sucking me off suddenly for no reason.

I was brought into different friend groups/circles and they were used to doing dumb shit both to themselves, future, and their friends. They were used to dominating their friend groups by being "playfully physical." Being a "giant," physical fights were easy as I could just headlock anyone and just pull them to the ground. I've only done this once or twice and it was cause some dumbass was being loud with my friend group.

I couldn't deal with doing the same things so I just sort of... tried to keep the peace and make good memories with everyone but nobody was having any of it or there was always drama because of it.

People looked up to me and every word or action began to affect people and I took advantage of this. I relished in the fact that people would just listen or obey but at the same time, hated that I had this effect.

I was used to being a clown and I stayed as one. All throughout most of my life. Still am in a sense with how my life went and the choices I made.

I was the one that never belonged in any group cause I was used to online communities instead of in real life ones. I was too poor to afford even bus tickets back then.

I had all the friend groups, girls and guys, adults, and everyone else looking up to me. I never felt so lonely. What was I supposed to be or do? How can I make sure I don't hurt everyone's feelings or sensitivities just by choosing a choice that makes one side happy and another sad.

I hated this weight or burden I had all my life and I would've done anything to have been that kid eating by himself in a bathroom stall. Being social made me someone I hated feeling like. Unauthentic.

I regret every life choice I made throughout my life and there doesn't exist a minute where I don't think about wanting to kill myself because of it.

Up until high school I was just kind of the quiet but nice guy, I could talk to some of the more popular kids (during school, mind you, I was a school friend, but I was okay with that) and I had a small group of close friends who I'd game with, talk and hangout.

Then during high school it kind of all went to shit, I guess. One summer I just got super depressed and probably started exhibiting schizoid traits (I'm undiagnosed, but I can give some educated guesses) that combined with horrible ADHD pretty much ruined my summer and I didn't hang out with anyone the entire summer, even my close friends. Just talking online and occasionally playing LoL or some shit.

About halfway (?) through high school my close friends group sort of disbanded, most of the original members were still there but it was pretty much just me and another close friend regularly talking who didn't even go to my school anymore.

After that, I pretty much just became a quiet loner at school and slightly opened up more online. I'm talking barely talking to anyone to the point where kids I knew in middle school thought something was wrong with me. Ended up just cruising along for a year or two until I reconnected with one of the members of my friend group. I talked a bit with some of his other friends and we were kind of cool but they weren't really my type. Me and one of his friends got into a fight over some dumb shit which climaxed in a fistfight. Aside from that nobody ever really bothered me that much aside from some bullying here and there, which was equally from teachers as it was other kids.

tl:dr Went from being a cordial introvert to just shelling up, got in a fight which was pretty funny. Basically my entire highschool experience.

I had a few friends but always felt lonely if i recall correctly, apparently I had a lot of psychological issues dating to when i was a literal toddler starting with an eating disorder somehow, I would just get black out angry, aggressive and angry to the point that I would scream out of my lungs and fight everyone which later led to child protection services getting involved which made me extremely paranoid about everything and made it difficult to really form any friendship, especially since an off hand comment or something would later be mentioned in a meeting which would scare the shit out of me as a child. This later ruined or at least damaged me a lot later in my school life, I was also for most of my school life in my own room which was basically just a containment zone to keep my in one place, whenever I would go outside I had a few teachers always needing to keep on eye on me, which i think also fueled the paranoia a bit more, oh and also i didn't have a lot of friends but could often have "guests" or whatever come into my room who were probably warned to be really lenient and careful with me since everyone thought i was mentally ill or crazy or something, so everyone was too scared to be friends with me, which i probably was at that time to be fair. So life was pretty bad, outside of that as a kid I would spend all my time playing games on my console as a coping mechanism but also because i really enjoyed playing games at that time, it was all i did everyday barely going outside. fun times.

I was heavily and immensely bullied in 6th and 7th grade until something just snapped and I started having rage issues. My dad took me to learn boxing and kickboxing when I was 12 and when I entered high school in a new school district and I was the scary quiet kid you didn't want to bother. Only had one guy try to start something with me and it ended up in a fight and, since the kid was black and I obviously did much better than him, most of the kids started leaving me alone.

I did end up making some friends with some weebs kids who used to hang out in the library though.

same except the fight part BUT I actually made a few friends in the annoying autism process here and there and over time I merged them all into one big friend group that still exists until now :)

> robot
> not involving bully

Of course I was bullied.
I had my outcast group of "friends", but they didn't risked anything to protect my ass (which was actually good in retrospective, because I knew the kind of people they actually were in moments where I actually needed them).

>falling for the obvious glowie data collection

>>falling for the obvious glowie data collection
schizo moment

I don't give a fuck if a letter agency knows my high school life story, what the fuck are they going to do with it?

half of the class was my friend and we played a lost of online games, had bbq parties and stuff. we even escaped from school, traded computer parts, rode bikes along the shore, played cs 1.6 in school computers etc. i was never bullied but we had a thing that we would slap each other's ass cheeks whenever we had the chance.

letter agency can have my data then, why do you care? lmao.schizo.

devise the perfect plan to turn you into the next shooter you dumbass. you're letting them know your history, your insecurities, your struggles, everything they need to manipulate you

i was bullied, but not really at school. but 24/7 by my brother as soon as i got back from school. he'd do shit like beat me up, beat me up in front of neighborhood kids, make me fight them for no reason, torture any pet we had that i showed interest in, break any favorite toys or video games of mine, constantly squeeze and pinch keloid scars i got from chicken pox making them bigger, and constantly make fun of me for being ugly.

him and my sister would talk about how i was too ugly to ever get a GF then one day he threatens to kill me when i dont show interest in girls (because of the aforementioned ugly teasing) 'if i find out you are a fag im going to kill you and put your body in one of these storm ditches' (we were driving back on the way from school after he picked me up)

>me telling random anons about a small part of my life is going to make the government brainwash me into a shooting
I want you to actually sit back in your chair, breathe in and out, and actually read what you just typed. The government doesn't have shit on me.