Do any of you guys actually talk to people in real life? Do you have girlfriends?

Do any of you guys actually talk to people in real life? Do you have girlfriends?

Attached: Imperial_Deserter.png (611x854, 775.5K)

I sperg my way through conversations with coworkers

Work relationships dont count imo. There is too much pressure to conform and to be an "ambassador of the company", instead of being whoever you are.

Yeah, while I'm working. Having a public facing job gets you communication skills quick. Also yes to the second one.

Funny you posted this image, OP. I was just playing skyrim and I murdered the Imperial deserter in OP pic half an hour ago

I haven't been hugged since 2015.

Hehe I'm the op and I'm talking to Satan. He dubbed the title of this thread "life is unfair". Would you agree? He told me I was being tortured in hell. I've spent my entire life living in fear and anxiety. I was anorexic. I was too scared to go outside. I slept 14 hours a day. I'm Jewish and have a big nose and girls just LOVE IT... He keeps telling me to steal lol. Man I said I wouldn't write anymore but I'm just so jealous of you happy guys with your sex and your money.

aside from work colleagues, immediate family and online friends, no. i should change it but im too retarded to

Nobody ever asks me about Satan. I guess it's easy as fuck to hold your hands together and say a few words when you already have everything you need. What a fucking atrocious world, I hope whoever created this place commits suicide. The pain is actually unbearable and forcing me to live through this deserves punishment.

>Do any of you guys actually talk to people in real life?
>Do you have girlfriends?
no i dont even have friends

Attached: 1652299622570.jpg (640x667, 35.1K)

>Do any of you guys actually talk to people in real life?
Only when it is unavoidable.
90% of girls have bf or are not interested, males are irrelevant and mostly cause trouble
>Do you have girlfriends?
Not in years.

I have a large social circle and am currently banging a qt. I only come to r9k to laugh

My family and friends probably think of me as mildly spergy but not basket-weaving level.
I am in a long-term relationship. I live with my gf and her (female) friend.

Do you have parents?

>mildly spergy

I don't really speak to anyone at work and I can't really speak to my parents. Never had an interaction with a female

I don't like talking very much.

Where does 'mild' lie on your spaghetti barometer?
I struggle to introduce myself to new people if not being introduced by third party.
I muddle words when talking to people I subconsciously perceive to be socially above me.
I had a master chief manbag in HS with '[first-name]-117' embroidered on it and couldn't work out why everyone was laughing at me.
The only women who've ever shown interest in me have been ones I've been friends with for years beforehand. New women give me the same sickened expression other robots here describe.
Lots of tragic people are in relationships.

>The only women who've ever shown interest in me have been ones I've been friends with for years beforehand.
You have no idea how good you have it

AMA I guess. I feel like I can relate to the majority of non-schizo posts here in spite of it.

>The only women who've ever shown interest in me have been ones I've been friends with for years
Fuck off well adjusted normalfag