Go on r/dating_advice

>Go on r/dating_advice
>Lay out facts: I'm autistic and 5'4"
>Ask if I would be able to get a relationship if I had money
>You have a shit personality
>lmao incel
>Money won't do shit (It's over)
>Seek therapy (tranny gave this advice)
>Go lift, that is sure to help
They literally cannot accept the facts and downboat me.
Fuck this shit no one understands.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why wouldn't you link?


seems to be a stigma of linking to reddit. please don't sperg out on there, I want to observe them and not get banned for brigading

>>>>>>banned for brigading
Holy shit, fuck off you faggot

>Click on the profile of the "omg ur a horrible person" redditor
>"Trust me, as a swinger and a poly person-"
This entire site feels like a joke

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holy shit
these are not people, they're androids
it's the same sentences over and over and over in all of these threads
literal NPCs jesus fucking Christ i want out

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>a woman with a meme degree knows better than crude statistical facts sweetie. go get brainwashed, then we can talk.

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Jesus Christ!!!!

What is wrong with people?

>You need a relationship coach like the ones on Dating on the Spectrum on Netflix. Or at least watch all 3 seasons of the show to try to learn some of their tips regarding social cues and how to behave on dates.

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>>Go on r/
There is your problem you got like 3-4 users that go
reeeeeeeeeeeeee mods mods mods it's a troll
and a bunch of lurkers that are stalking one user they suspect has a pussy
also you should go back, you'll meet a nice girl on reddit while you sit around and post with the other incels instead of coming here and pretending you're not a gaylord that got banned on reddit

>be born with shitty genetics
>"go to therapy!"
>"you sound like a terrible person."
why do normies spend so much time just trying to prove themselves as better than us

>you wanted answers from people in relationships instead of the same shit from the autistic sperg imageboard GO BACK

Use nicer words to convey the same shit and you'll have no problems.

Time for you to accept that getting pussy isn't the only thing in life, then.

I mean seriously come on dude, go back to the advice website where they can't figure out which bathroom to use. Then come here and blame people for you getting banned there. It's very entertaining. There just isn't a need for a livefeed constant update, just check in a few days, or weeks, or months, years even, check in later with an update about how it works out. Real nail biter. can't wait to find out what happened.

Autistic people are the most discriminated against people in modern America, I genuinely believe this

>Let me know when you make it, id be happy to date you. Lol
Fuck her.

I don't understand how these half evolved monkeys think they have leverage over me, on fucking reddit. here you can be musk but over there your entire profile is saved and everyone can click on it seeing you jerk off to cuckoldry

"Therapy" is a crock of bullshit, it's a self-assuring self-fulfilling placebo. That's not going to cure a severely crippling disability like autism. You can accept your disability but it doesn't mean you can ever exist for a split second without it.

Compensating with money is only going to make you feel worse.