Manage to get a date

>manage to get a date
>girl says she's also into mountain biking (sweet)
>decide it'd be a nice date if we hit the trails together
>beautiful day
>she shows up with a fucking hardtail and leggings
>no toe holds or anything to protect from tree branches
>take lift up to a warm up trail, literally the easiest route down on the mountain
>"oh ummm user these are a bit harder than what I've ridden before teehee"
>k, I'll meet you at the bottom
>waiting for a full fucking hour
>text her to not bother calling me back, block her number then head home
Is it even possible to find a woman with a genuine interest in anything these days?

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>text her to not bother calling me back, block her number then head home
Maybe she fell down, got assaulted by some maniac and died. Now you are the suspect and have no alibi.

Am i retarded why did you just ditch her

>women pretend to be into user's hobby
>turns out its not true
wow so hard to figure out

not op
Because she was a retarded hole who pretended to be into mountain biking to get OP's cock or wallet, obviously. Most women aren't into real, healthy, or useful hobbies.

Doesn't sound like my problem.
This I would have been fine if she said she wanted to learn how to mountain bike, or even if she said that she has no interest in it but I cannot stand it when girls put up a front. There's always an ulterior motives in that case and it never goes well.

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No she is into mountain biking, but op thought she meant that she was as autistically focused on mountain biking as he is. And then he just ditched her because he has no social skills or empathy

OP went a minute back in time to btfo you, retard

>women pretend to be into user's hobby
yes, women do that for guys they like, that's something to be flattered about you fucking retard

OP is the kind of guy who would ask a girl out on a date and leave her alone in the wilderness in a situation where she's clearly out of her depth, and then get mad at her for not being better at the thing he's interested in.

Like the woman might be a fool, but OP is a grade A asshole. At least see the girl down the mountain before you ditch her.

>has so many options he can just ditch a bitch for even the smallest reasons
You do not belong here
Go back to plebbitt you normie fuck

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>the thing he's interested in.
And supposedly the thing she's interested in, namefag

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OP is more retarded than a fucking carot.
She liked you, wanted to fit in with you, and
you turned her down like an austist

yeah sure, but she said that she's out of her depth. I might not be happy about it either, I can understand that OP wanted to have fun mountainbiking, but he chose the mountain and the trail and invited her out. I would consider him responsible for getting her out at least. At the bottom of the mountain, he can tell her to get lost, and then go back up and take a harder trail down that's more satisfying to him, instead he ditches her out in the middle of the woods and then tells her to fuck off.

I am op, why am I on the hook to take care of a liar?
I also think you flabby homebodies crying about me abandoning her in the wilderness overestimate how fucking tame this trail is.

>I am op, why am I on the hook to take care of a liar?
user, if a woman pretends to be interested in something you're interested in for the sole purpose of going on a date with you, that's a compliment. The fact you are getting so angry about this shows you are a complete mentalcel and need to get put on meds to have any hope with women. No, you will never find someone who is compatible with you in your current state, unless that person is also a psycho, and in that case your relationship will last until she cuts off your cock in the middle of the night.

>being phony is a compliment bro just endlessly humor a woman who is at no point honest with you bro you need meds if you pass up a shot at sex
Shouldn't you be posting this on r/greentext or something?

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meds schizo now

This probably didn't happened but if it did, got bless you autist. Fuck those roasties that shit up hobbies, I hope she had a terrible time and won't bike again. Doing god's work.

holy shit you're an autist
girls are soft you idiot, she just wanted attention and to spend time with you
when she said that you should have offered to walk the bikes down together and talked the whole time
you deserve to die alone

You're enabling women to act like children
don't make excuses saying they're soft. Women should serve in the military like men, and be subject to the same draft.