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People are still talking about corona? Move on already like who cares.

We already won. Vaxxcucks have to live with being houseniggers for the rest of their lives.

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>move on

you still cant leave your country if you dont get vaxxed and you also still see tons of retards with masks and shaming people for living life so no its not over

I sneer at people who still have masks on. To their faces.

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Sources please clickbait doesnt make

>We report the truth - and leave the Russia-Collusion fairy tale to the Conspiracy media

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>walgreens is now a scientific source
god you chuds are so fucking retarded, let me guess you believe walmart's new study that says great value items increase your lifespan? fucking idiots.

Walgreens University retard

>that "source"
Take your meds, schitzo

It's almost like they collect data or some shit. Wow imagine a place that actively administers the vaccine asking basic fucking medical questions before administering drugs like any other fucking normal place does. Do you people even think or do you just love to make shit up because the anons who even give basic sources destroy any fucking argument you have.

OP at least try to link the article
Here u go :

It's 2022 user everyone has already had corona

>being this mad

you havent been on the Politics Discord have you?

>t. thegatewaypundit

Except this is being reported from multiple western government data dumps. I know for a fact that Canada is seeing the same shit in our COVID data. Vaccinated people are losing their immune systems.

Show me a link?

>source: my fat hairy cheeto-dusted ass

A) What percentage of people who are vaccinated test positive


B) What percentage of people who test positive are vaccinated.

Two different questions.

The Walgreen's data is about B but you think the data is about A.

In general, when looking at a small, self-selecting subset of the population, you are potentially dealing with a large amount of self-selection bias.

One possibility here: Those who are vaccinated are more worried about the virus, and are more likely to get a test if exposed, but not needed. Everyone is likely to take a test if it is required for access to something.

So, according to this theory above, there are people who need to get a test, and apart from other confounding factors, we would expect the rates to be roughly equal if there were no significant difference in relative proportion to the overall population (vaxxed vs. unvaxxed).

Then there is the population that is getting a test because they are concerned with whether or not they have it. I imagine that a greater proportion of vaccinated individuals would do this, especially with the current variant. A large number of cases are probably unreported.

There is also the fact that Walgreens customers might not be a fully representative sample, but I think self-selection bias would have a greater impact here.

Really, this highlights why you need a randomized sample for a study, and why trials have randomized control groups.

As a side note, that is also why hospitalizations/deaths are a bit better of a metric, as far as those being closer to "complete" and less likely across the board to be unreported.

are u all blind?

vaxxed probably more likely to get tested when confirmed covid contacts, unvaxxed wouldnt bother unless forced

unvaxxed are more frequently asked to provide a negative test, so will go get tested more often when feeling well.
vaxxed only need to get tested when feeling ill

>Gateway pundit
Opinion discarded.

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did u get vaccinated user?
i probably hv to get it since i can't travel without it : (