Ridge Holland Is Worried About Having A Stigma After Injuring Big E


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big E should have jumped, instead of trying to sandbag Ridge.

What stigma? Of being a shitter? He already had that one from NXT, nothing changed except most of his co-workers resenting him now because E is well liked.

This dude should retire.



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it's deserved, he's lucky that nxt isn't as big as raw and smackdown so most people don't remember this too

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Unfortunately he didn't hit Gargano hard enough.

He didn’t let E plant his his feet do he could jump. Ridge fucked up.


Shrunk him another inch tho

Yeah looking at it he really shoud have gripped slightly lower and allowed Big E to launch off of his shoulders and to get a proper knee bend to launch off

Ridge Holland is a shitter, but with Vince gone he shouldn't have anything to worry about for injuring his favorite dancing negro.

Kek based. His gimmick should be the shitter killer.

shut up you inbred

wow I never noticed that, he really did fuck it up

Didn't he injure Kushida to?

this was Big E's fault
and this was Gargano's fault

idk why people are blaming Ridge

Fuck that hurt my soul to see live. First, E then boogz. I do feel bad for Holland, just not as bad as I do for E.

Stigma? He's a white hot babyface now brother.


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Book him against shotzi lol

If Kota Ibushi did this people would mark out

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