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how they fuck does a man even get raped by a woman lmao?

Who gives a fuck about abused men? If you're abused by a woman you're weak

women cant rape men, men can just easily throw or knock out a woman, even the most dyel of men. also, it's sex with a woman, are you some fag or something? oh what, shes fat? how did you get raped by a fat chick in the first place? you deserve to be killed if you get raped by some fat lard ass, holy shit. What you got mickied? how retarded are you that you get slipped by a fucking woman, women are so stupid they don't even know how to do that. literal brute force can solve any "female on male rape."

>punish survivors
Fuck off.
It's the police's job to punish people, not yours
Public shamers deserve to be burned alive; making them broke is a merciful retribution

police dont do anything except protect banks and generate revenue from insurance companies

I'm proud to say I have no knowledge of the ukraine crisis, the recent mass shootings, and the johnny depp trial.
I decided about a year ago to stop paying attention to all news other than weather
all I know is that these are the current headlines. Can't avoid it entirely unfortunately

What planet do you live on?
They also kill niggers
We can't live without them

I wish mods would design a script that would automatically wipe out any thread that consists of a twitter screencap and a post like "this" or "what now, chuds?"

I did that a few years back and my mental health and happiness has gone from about 2/10 to 9/10
Disconnecting from the media is a total life hack

Any Forums - fitness and health

Who is this loser and why should I care?

I got taken advantage of by one of my female friends in college after we got back from a party drunk as fuck. I had no desire to sleep with her, I vaguely remember her getting in bed with me and then the next second she’s on top of me riding me. I never even really considered it as sexual abuse until all this me too shit came up. Of course the girl and all her friends don’t believe she did anything wrong, because of mindsets like the shit you just posted. I don’t go around acting like a victim, it doesn’t keep me up at night, but I in no way wanted to fuck that girl and I would not consider it consensual. If the roles we reversed the woman would claim rape for sure.

i only posted it here because i'm banned on Any Forums. good thing Any Forums has no mods

>If the roles we reversed the woman would claim rape for sure.
Bro that's literally rape even with the roles not reversed. Fucking retard

What about instances where women force men to creampie them at gunpoint to get pregnant?

>my car didnt stop rolling so i didnt use my brakes
nigger thats your fault for not stopping her

No it's not.
It's only rape if he/she was unconscious.
Unless you live in a 3rd world feminazi country like the US

Take the gun from them lmao

again, how do you wind up here. you would have to have a woman get a gun and know how to use it and load it.

how the fuck is she pointing the gun at you, you can easily disarm a woman with a gun since you're LITERALLY FUCKING EACH OTHER dude holy shit lmao if a girl ever pointed a gun at me while i was fucking her i would just laugh my ass off

>hey bro I know you’re blacked out but you should have stopped this woman from climbing on top of you
See idk why I even posted this cuz I knew I’d get a shit load of retarded ass incel fake masculinity posts by faggot zoomers like you. Kill yourself unironically

if you didn't mind it then it's not really rape lmao. not sure why you posted this

You have gotten one (1) reply!!! Congratulations!!!! Keep it up user you're doing great ! ! !

You should blow your brains out with a hunting rifle from just how retarded you sound, how the fuck do you get drunk, get with a girl, go home with that girl and get into her bed, get hard, and fuck her, and claim it's all her fault. You nigger, you fucking retarded nigger. I hope some homeless guy stabs you with a needle of his AIDs ridden blood and you never reproduce again you gutterball of a human being. Please adhere to the first sentence you retarded monkey. You are lying, you made no effort to get her off of you because you liked it and wanted to fuck her, quit lying you baboon lipped nigger.

user, you are responsible for your actions while drunk.
Otherwise drink driving would be totally legal, and murder while drunk would be legal too.
Americans just have this retarded law because of feminazis who want special treatment.
In my country women don't get blackout drunk around men they don't want to fuck; only dumbfuckistan women do that.

Only thing this bitch nigga qualified to dpeak for are low t males. Dis honkey mad corny lmao

in your country they wipe with their hands

You’re just trolling and it’s not even a quality attempt. Again, please commit suicide and save some oxygen for people on the upper half of the iq bell curve.

you didnt get raped, what are you talking about,, this whole post was an error on your part, just like that "raping" was

Lol imagine being this mad over a single post that doesn’t concern you in the slightest. Incel hands typed this laughing emoji X 1000

Actually in my country we have electronic bidets that wash our ass without us having to take a shower.
You on the other hand smear shit all over yourself with paper like some kind of barbarian.

>this whole post was an error on your part, just like that "raping" was

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Find God retard.
Fuck whores (figuratively) user I'm sorry you got taken advantage of.

It’s truly hilarious how easy it is to bait you faggots into replying some cringe incel shit. Thanks for all the yous! stay dyel and poor faggot

>today's verdict
what happened?

You nigger, you jiggling jigaboo, I'm not the one who just wrote out an entire blogpost on how I had sex with a woman while drunk and didn't like it. You have serious sugar-in-the-tank problems right now, I hope someone drops a brick from a parking garage and hits you on the head. But you don't die, you just become paralyzed and are forced to watch those around you live better more sober lives you infantilized booster addict.

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It’s okay, didn’t really bother me until years after the fact when I realized it was kinda fucked up. All the rage incel replies gave me a good chuckle though

johnny depp won. roasties seething because metoo is probably dead

>still giving me yous
>still replying in general
>still not reading your posts
Thanks for playing retard!

You need to work on your psyoping skills, they suck just like your writing skills. Go back to Tumblr and start testing headphone loudness.

Your psyops suck and you're a nigger, I hope I made your day by replying to your LARP post of being raped. You sound like boogie2988.

Yeah I get what you mean, it's usually not trauma-level shit but it sure as fuck isn't nice when a bitch is coming onto you while you're too out of it to even realize what's happening.

a guys worst nightmare is having sex with a woman while drunk


ah it's finally over, I don't get the reasoning of the guy in the OP then wtf. Also I thought that basically everyone was on Depp's side

why didnt u fight back lol? if you didnt like what was happening why didnt you just wake up and push her off or at the very least tell her no

you should sue her if you can srs, I would be fucking pissed at the girl if I was you

dude this ugly bitch Lauren used to stalk me as an auxiliary member of an old social circle of mine.
She chased me down at a house party one night, sat down in the single seat chair i was in, through a blanket over our laps and started reaching down my shorts.
I stood up bounced on her.
Then, a month later at another get together at a house party I got blackout drunk, and the next morning when I woke up on my friend's living room floor, my buddies told me she was sucking on my fingers, groping me, and making out with me.
You know what I think about it?
I don't give a single fuck.
It's just sex. it's just physical contact.
Now if it was some dude, I'd be in prison for tying him to the bumper of my 4x4 and dragging him down a dirt trail to nowhere.
But a bitch comes trying to fuck on you, and you claim victimized status?
JFC the men in this world have turned into a bunch of straight up faggots.
It's not a big deal, AT ALL, unless some wjore gave you some std, or got pregnant riding you while passed out.
It's just sex. Jesus H.

if you're able to have sex with normal woman you generally don't want some stinky slampig climbing onto you while you're lying nearly passed out on the couch

Complaining that a woman beats you or rape if a level of faggotry that only cityfags can show.

why were you with a slampig?

Cuz I was blacked out drunk and half asleep you retard. I didn’t even remember it happened until the next morning when we got breakfast and she mentioned it. Then I remembered very vague parts of it. I never even claimed it was rape, I brought it up to point out the double standards. If things were reversed and I had my way with her while she was blacked out and not coherent, it 100% would be considered rape and I probably would have gotten charged with something.

You fags are getting so bent out of shape, which I was kind of hoping would happen when I posted it. My story is real, but I do enjoy watching you faggots spazz out over the idea that a women could possible sexually assault a man lmfao

I'm not OP that story is made up btw (kek) but I've experienced women (and men) coming onto me when I wasn't interested and it's annoying as fuck

Jesus fucking christ, why do you incels care so much about it? Just let it go. This thread makes me embarrassed to browse this board. I'm not sure what's worse, the people that post shit like that or the people that actually reply. You all know who (You) are, no need to point out the specific posts. Seriously, have some more self respect.

Exactly. I guess this doesn’t make sense to incels cuz the only way they could get laid would be doing something like this
You can be friends with women you don’t want to fuck, like women from college courses you retarded neet

Lol yet another blog post offended by the idea that a man could be taken advantage of. Seethe and dilate, kys, etc

Total double standard.
>Be 21 year old male
>Out drinking with the boys.
>One gets kicked out, we all follow, a mate of mine invites me to his frat house to keep the party going.
>Already about a bottle deep.
>At the door I'm forced to chug half a bottle of svedka to get in.
>Black out as I'm invited to do coke upstairs.
>Get bits and pieces of the night talking to girl, standing in a vomit soaked bathroom.
>Come to outside on the bleachers with some fat sorority slut riding me.
>Look down at my phone your Uber as arrived.
>Push her off get in Uber and go home.
>Wake up the next morning and totally forget till I smell my fingers.

Most women would then be crying in the fetal position saying I blacked out and had sex without my consent. Instead I laughed and rolled over.

I 100% could not consent, and yet I'm not calling all women pigs or crying unfair treatment instead I laughed, because I did it too myself, and no one would call her a predator if I called the cops a 100 times.

>found a contrarian on twitter
Are we supposed to be giving this “opinion” any thought?

I think it's normal that there's some degree of double standard between men and women about this stuff, but yeah it's gotten ridiculous to the point that a woman getting drunk out and whoring herself somehow makes her a victim just as much as one that's been actually forced