Easy Employment With No Degree

In today's economy, what jobs:

>Are easy.
>Pay as high above $60k+ a year as possible.
>Do not require over 40 hours a week.
>Don't require a degree.
>No coding.
>Preferably don't have you working under blacks or women as higher ups.

Bonus Mode (Optional):

God Mode (Optional):
>Little or no talking on the phone.


Attached: 1645711125856.jpg (1080x1346, 219.66K)

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These links have helped other people before, so I'll repost them, it might give you some good ideas


The rest of the site is also really good if you have an interest in personal finance and financial freedom.

Were heading into a deep recession retard. Only job you get that has all that is to join the Italian mob

If you're a bio woman
>only fans
>twitch streamer

If you're a man
>You're a fucking dumb ass, you're fucked

Why no coding? That checks all of your other boxes and pays way more.

Probably because hes too stupid to learn basic programming theory and structure

>It's not easy, but skilled trades like plumbers and electricians make very good money once they have a few years under their belt.
Personally I just find it incredibly unrewarding for the amount of effort it takes.

>Personally I just find it incredibly unrewarding for the amount of effort it takes.
I takes effort to code? It's literally just telling a stupid fucking machine what to do.

Its not easy to get a coding job that pays decent outside of america

Fair, it is really soul draining spending all your time working on stuff that doesn't matter at all.

>telling a stupid fucking machine what to do.
Not op but that's the hard part lol. I love coding but computers are stupid as fuck and need toddler level handholding

So start by writing a program, then write a program to write that program, and so on. All coding is is extremely advanced laziness and the ability to "empathize" with the computer, or in other words, know intuitively what it will have a hard time with.

Boring, hard, lacking reward, and is also oversaturated. Especially by Pajeets that will do it for half.

>know intuitively what it will have a hard time with
I get what you're saying but complex programs have complex problems that are not apparently obvious. Personally I like the challenge of solving complex problems but it's not for everyone

>bio woman
tranny influencers get a lot of traction these days wym

> Personally I like the challenge of solving complex problems but it's not for everyone
The number of coding jobs that deal with "complex" problems is actually quite small. Most jobs are just doing simple things at scale.

There aren't any. You're going to have to make sacrifices

I would say they're still a fairly niche market, and even if you are a tranny, you have to be pass REALLY well (Or go the femboy route), but I would still say that most people go to see bio women with big tits they can simp for.

>doing simple things at scale
I would agree with you but I'd argue the scale and the interaction between the small things makes it more complex than any of the individual parts. One part may cause another part to break and you wouldnt know why. I'm not saying that coding is hard, especially with experience, but I am saying it's not simple

Coding requires effort and op is lazy.

I may have misunderstood what you were saying. If you meant that a customer wants a simple CRUD database for their website then yeah thats simple, I was thinking more like a wide variety of simple things working with each other

Post Github or fuck off

there arent any jobs like that OP but i wish i could suck the farts out of that girl's dumper

>pays way more.
not in my experience