ITT tv shows only you watched

ITT tv shows only you watched

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Man that one month when I used to watch this show on tv everyday was literally one of the best months in my life.

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man ive got quite a lot of these actually

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lmao I remember seeing a couple eps of that

I can join in on this

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I only remember the theme song tho....

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Flint the Time detective was on a morning block called 'made in japan' or something that included commercial bumpers with fun facts about japan or whatever. This show was cool because each episode had a new monster, and each monster had this cute form, but also a monster form you'd see in the same episode. Then later he'd join flint on another adventure and you'd see his good form, so every episode had that 'digivolution' factor but was frankly better because you got new forms.

At the end of the show you got to see all the monsters line up and it was really cool seeing a journey go from start to finish like that.

There was another show I can't remember that maybe someone else could. It was also a low budget anime, and if i remember it was about a boy who had a sword and was destined to use it to defeat the bad guy and save the world. I really hated it because almost every episode would involve him taking out his weapon, starting a fight, but before any action could take place someone would interrupt and talk to the bad guy and the bad guy would be a good person with a back story and was only fighting because he needs help or something stupid and they'd help him and most episodes would end with no real action ever actually taking place.

then you get to the finale and the same thing happens with the big evil because everyone comes together or some BS, and he learns that the prophecy said the wielder of the sword would stop the evil, but not that they would need to use the sword to do it.

I hated this and somehow repressed any other details of the show.

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Idk if I'll ever in my life meet someone in real life who also sees how genius this show is :/

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God-tier anime. It's one of my favorites.

anyone else here who got bought these ghetto sampler VHS tapes as a kid

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unironically kill yourself. You found out about both this anime and Any Forums through tiktok you underage loser.

this. literally fucking everybody watched Monster. you're not special. go back to MAL and return to reddjt

What are you guys on? Nobody's heard of Monster. It's still extremely obscure and very niche. And I'm pretty sure I actually watched the whole series, unlike these reddit people who say they did. But whatever, sorry just a mere mention of a pretty obscure anime can incite hostility out of y'all no reason. I don't care

You gotta be pretty blind to think a popular manga and anime series is obscure. Most anime fans know what it is or have watched. Considering I'm not an anime fan and have seen it kinda ends your argument about it being obscure.

Overrated. I'm not even hating

Never had one of these VHS but I used to watch Bravestar all the fucking time when I was a kid. The OG ghostbusters though always pissed me off because I would see it was coming on, and thinking it was "The Real Ghostbusters" I would put it on and be horribly disappointed.

Being a huge Mechwarrior and Battletech fan when I was a kid, this show ticked all my boxes (Even though it wasn't related to the battletech universe). I also just REALLY fucking loved Chicken-walker mechs

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Has anybody watched texhnolyze here

I love this anime and even bought the manga to support it.

got through like half of it and dropped it, I was bored out of my mind

The back of the Japanese edition has a blurb written in really bad English