Endgame of feminism

the true purpose of feminism is to eventually give females a distinct but discrete economic, political, and social advantage over males to assert females as a highly dominant and protected class. with females now having more power and freedom from social liabilities, females will achieve happiness by being freely encouraged to fulfill their biological imperative; to exclusively seek out males with multiple top percentile genetic traits, such as males who possess not only high facial attractiveness, but also large penis size, tall stature, zero signs of balding, and ideal proportions.

males without most of these strict genetic characteristics will form a socially stigmatized underclass that is 80%-90% of the male population. rich male elites will retain their immense power over everyone.

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>but discrete ... advantage
Yay, female competence. They are already fucking up that discrete part pretty badly.

feminism is cope for the fact that modern society doesn't value women, demeans them, treats them like pieces of meat and doesn't enable them happiness and fulfillment
in order to cope with that they embrace whichever "rebellion" against established social norms is considered acceptable enough without actually breaking with them and incurring social penalties - so basically a controlled opposition by the system for women who want a better life than this

>want a better life
>end up wageslaving, swallowing birthcontrol and SSRIs and wasting the made money on phonebills and fashionarticles

Feminism is Judaism /thread

that's the whole catch
system sees that women want a better life so they redirect those urges into being an obedient slave

well hang on now women could always do the same things they did before they specifically choose not to and end up unhappy whats up with that?

>well hang on now women could always do the same things they did before
not really, there are a lot of social pressures and handicaps that come into account
"having the right" to do something doesn't mean it is feasible realistically

The end result of feminism is women losing their foolish war against the half of the population actually built for fighting
Theyll realize wistfully how good they had it and how they squandered it all choosing to chase chad and attack normie and incel men as an entire sex

Why are volleyball girls so fucking sexy please explain.

i've always thought the end result was that they eventually would just end up owning everything and being in charge of everything.

>so basically a controlled opposition by the system for women who want a better life than this
So, a life where they don't have to work at all and just lounge around being fanned and attended to by slave servants? A life where they're free to be as fat and disgusting as they want?
One day you're enjoying living in your bubble and privileged headspace, thinking it'll all go according to your delusions, and the next day it's all gone to hell and you can hear the sound of the horny male soldiers kicking your door in so they can have their way with you.

Depends on the branch of feminism. This is more second wave feminism stuff.
Third wave feminism focuses on intersectionality, how traits of people interface with their environment and the people around them. We have kind of arrived at a point where, in the west, the name "feminism" is not really that accurate anymore, since the general school of thought that stems from this sort of analysis is more broad and does not just encompass woman's issues.
We have kind of reached the end of what is doable with the typical "women are oppressed and it's men's fault". At least in western countries, less developed countries are still fucked in that regard.
Basic example: women make less money in the same positions, why is that? Second wave feminism would say women get payed less because men think women should make less money than a man.
But it's more complicated, usually women are told by society (not just men, also other women) to be content with what they have and to not be difficult, therefore they are more timid in negotiating a higher pay, shoot lower initially. Men on the other hand are told to "go big" so they usually overshoot and then get negotiated down.
In second wave feminism, the solution to something like this is the "more female CEO's" meme.
Thst does not help, obviously.
Addressing something like this takes a lot of work on a sociatal level to change how we socialize people.
Men are affected by this too. Men today are more isolated and depressed than ever. This is a direct result from gender based socialization. It's harder to make friends as a guy, harder to share actual feelings with friends, since it's looked down upon to be emotional among other guys. And that sucks for everyone involved.
You have every right to feel like corporate second wave feminism is garbage, but there is some genuine good that can come from certain gender based activism.

>modern society
Modern society treats women very very well, its feminism that turns them into meat holes.

>yes goyim, house a nigger, let your transgirl fuck your mouth and have your son from your previous marriage in the same room as a drag queen
>you get to be a mopey sack of shit hated by everyone else

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What a complete load of bullshit. Why do retarded normalfags have such fucking shit logic?

>But it's more complicated, usually women are told by society (not just men, also other women) to be content with what they have and to not be difficult, therefore they are more timid in negotiating a higher pay, shoot lower initially. Men on the other hand are told to "go big" so they usually overshoot and then get negotiated down.

>move ant nest into house with the theory that they will be grateful and not eat your sugar
>ants start eating your sugar
>well the reason the ants are eating my sugar is because I left my sugar out

>Men are affected by this too. Men today are more isolated and depressed than ever. This is a direct result from gender based socialization. It's harder to make friends as a guy, harder to share actual feelings with friends, since it's looked down upon to be emotional among other guys. And that sucks for everyone involved.

This has nothing to do with feminism. You are a fucking retard brainwashed by a shitty college education.

Sorry, but I'm going to say it's all feminism, not just the meme one. The reality is pretty clear, where we are now is a result of feminism in the first place, had it not existed, or at least failed early on, things would be better.

Just imagine living in the past as a woman. All you had to do was attract a nice bf and your entire life was taken care of for you.

I remember I was surprised to find out that traditionally, women actually do all the household accounting and budgeting. They literally got all the money and gave their husbands a allowance.

Yes that is right, in the 40's men would go to work, give their entire paycheck to their wife who would then give their husband a fucking allowance. That was considered extreme oppression because women were expected to do houswork.

I fucking hate women and feminists so much. Even worse, as technology advanced womens household duties only got easier. They didn't even need to hand wash clothes or dishes. They could just throw them in a machine. Modern food began created tv-dinners so they didn't even have to fucking cook for their husband and children.

Women are such fucking spoiled brats that they couldn't just enjoy that. nooooo, instead they wanted to play pretend CEO lawyer to boost their egos. They just fucking HAVE to be le super important business woman making huge changes in the world around her.

In the end, they thought their husbands were all super heros in the workforce, they never realized that 99% of men were wageslaves.

Yes this is what I said. Correct reading, well done.
What are you even saying? How is this parallel to what I said? Also, the fact that men are more isolated than ever is ABSOLUTELY a result of how gender expectations effect society. Trying to change those gender expectations is what people generally call feminism.

How would things be better without previous feminism? My grandma was not able to get a good education because of what was expected of her as a woman, the grandmother of my girlfriend is illiterate because she was not a man and therefore did not get to go to school (does not live in a first world country). I am glad that that would not happen in the current social climate. If I had a daughter, I would want her to be able to live freely, same as myself, I too want to be able to do as I like. I feel like this is just common sense.
There are certain things done in the name of feminism, which I do not like of course. I feel like having hiring quotas based on gender is not a solution, for example. I'm in the IT field, there are few women working in IT. Quotas don't really solve the fact that women are not entering the field to begin with, even the female only scholarships do not seem to help much, although I am not too bothered by those. It would take more engagement early in life to get more women to enter the field, like some classes on computers early on in school perhaps. I dunno.

>I'm in the IT field, there are few women working in IT. Quotas don't really solve the fact that women are not entering the field to begin with, even the female only scholarships do not seem to help much
What would make women interested?

There are a multitude of reasons why people get into this field. Most people around me were interested in technology from a young age. Most people played video games, specifically on their pc, and from there got interested in doing other things with that device. There is also a general want to tinker with things.
All of that is usually present from an early age.
Tech literacy among younger generations is only partially getting better, anything above surface level tech usage is still nerd shit for most people.
To get women interested in tech we'd need to encourage young girls to pursue hobbies in the field, so:
playing vidya, doing some light tinkering with electronics, all that.
I'd not be where I am right now, without the ability to get my own computer at 13 (and using my mom's before that, nuking it with viruses I got while downloading Roms, all that), without my parents letting me join after school tech programs, stuff like that. Usually this type of stuff is not made accessible to girls. Young boys can also be very discouraging to girls trying to enter those types of spaces too (children are fucked up sometimes, I saw it happen a bunch in my own after school programs).
Giving them a safe space to experiment with tech and fuck up a bunch so they can learn, is very important to get people into this industry.
If I had not had my own computer which got fucked by all kinds of viruses and questionable programs, I would not have the intuition I have today. Same with electronics. If I had not had people teach me, I would not be where I am right now.
You'd need attentive mentors for young girls, same as guys get, or at least an opportunity to get into friendgroups that are more focused on technology. How many women do you know that socialize mainly online? I don't know many, and I am at the Nexus of nerds.
It's not a clean cut solution, but the situation is generally a bit complex too.