Dating younger

just don't understand how anyone could do it....
I am 34
All these dating coaches and people on this board suggest this beyond a certain age is unadvisable and that there is a wall or baggage. Honestly I couldn't date anyone that much younger than myself because of many gaps.
honestly zoomers piss me off with their mannerisms and how easily offended they are

make plans then ditch them. Even 8-14 years ago, girls my own age were prompt and rarely went back on plans.

>more likely to be sjws
I never even heard newage language out of anyone my age, but I have heard girls younger than me say shit like "that's triggering" and "check your privilege"
I moved to California recently and that honestly isn't a thing in NYC.

Game dev here, many people born after 1990 Worship blizzard, but I know for a fact that they are a shithole that pays their employees next to nothing. Also they only got big because of the console embargo;. One girl flipped her shit because I mentioned this. Also they won't know about titles that I am fond of.
>easily offended
they tend to get more offended easily than millennials


Truth be told the wall really only applies to Irish, British, Mexicans, Greeks, Native Americans , aboriginal folks. smokers, heavy drinkers and drug addicts Everyone else ages fine or not very noticeable at all, I know a two girls who looks better than they did in college. Also when I was in highschool I couldn't get any because every girl was dating 24 year old dudes when I was 17 (age of consent is 17 in the state I went to highschool in). I could never do that.

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I can't date younger women either. We're just at different points in our lives and quite frankly, I don't care how good they look, compatibility is of utmost importance to me.

correctamundo. Even in college, the freshmen coming in had a different mindset than when I was say a junior there.

>documenting your every thought on twitter
Hold on...that sounds familiar...
Oh shit

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If you are stupid enough to date old women, your call

If you're looking for an equal partner you've already failed heterosexuality
Women want a man they can look up to and respect, and most men don't reach a point of respectability (i.e. good job and life trajectory) until their 30s in this economy
>muh zoomers suck
Yes they do, but they are still better than embittered 30+ year old millennial women with line of failed relationships and exes they still talk to on facebook/insta

>Women want a man they can look up to and respect, and most men don't reach a point of respectability (i.e. good job and life trajectory)

I wooed a few girls because they thought I was cultured and talented beyond my years. I have actually gotten plenty of tail when I was in my early 20's, in-between positions and living with my folks. Don't let these dating coaches fool you, people aren't trying to get 100k dudes of the gate, many look for potential

I'll never fall for ,,older=more mature" meme again

stop taking FnF's shit to heart. Zoomers are fucking unbearable, I know one girl who actually looks much better than she did in college.

I'm not saying you need to be a high flyer 6-fig UMC elite, but rather you reach the point where you can afford a down payment on a home and a nest for starting a family
You can't really afford to date properly until you have that kind of disposable income anyways
This gets poo-pooed by blackpillers because they take their own sexuality and impose it on women, the same way women do when they assume their education and income matters to men because it matters to them
Though I'm not implying that you can be a middle aged pudgy bald dude and magically slay 20 year olds with your 401k either
But the subset of young women who are serious about starting a family are going to focus on the 25-35 age bracket men because they are most likely in an economic position and mentality to become husbands and fathers

>I'm not saying you need to be a high flyer 6-fig UMC elite,
Well FnF and the like are.
>You can't really afford to date properly until you have that kind of disposable income anyways
I am a cheapskate true, but that all depends, if you are in LA (which I am), NY or larger cities like that sure, but if you live in the countryside or bumblefuck you can date with ease.
> the same way women do when they assume their education and income matters to men
My folks said to get with a woman who can carry their weight. Both of my parents are highly payed professionals; grandfather and my grandmother on my dad's side were in politics in the old country. They often ask what a girl's parents do if I am seen with a girl. The concept of stay at home mothers is stupid to me.
>Though I'm not implying that you can be a middle aged pudgy bald dude and magically slay 20 year olds with your 401k either
I am not, I hit the gym regularly and can lift more than anyone there.

I think it just comes with your age. I'll be 31 this year but I think I feel like I'm too old to bother with dating ever again. Maybe you are simply too old for it too.

Why do women try to rip agency away from young women? 21-24 is an adult and not even a teen adult either like 18-19.

I'm 30, and I would totally date an 18+ zoomer.
That's a lot of people our age too. Most women in general are immature.
Also something that a lot of people our age do. It's kind of out of control.
>more likely to be sjws
Yeah, a bit; but it's not everyone. Most people are still normal. SJWs are a vocal minority.
Most people hate Blizzard now. WoW has been bleeding subs for years, and Overwatch 2 has had bad public reception. Also, a woman is almost never gonna care about video games, and if she does, it'll be casual garbage 90% of the time. You probably play some non-mainstream stuff if you've been gaming for as long as you have. I know I do.
>easily offended
A little, maybe. Also, you already said that.
90% of 30+ year olds have either hit the wall, or are fat. At least in my area. People might be thinner in Cali.

Old woman coping and seething her desirability is diminishing with age.

I always find the "muh grooming" excuse funny. So it's fine to get an 18 year old man, put a gun in his hands and send him to die, but a 21 year old woman can't handle having a coffee with a 30 year old without getting "groomed". But the same woman who would get conned by a coffee has the right to buy a house, vote, accuse you of shit, and to expect you to go die for her rights. What a fucking joke.
>dating zoomers
It's not the age. They're just plain fucking annoying because that's how they are. They could all suddenly turn 40 tomorrow and they'd still be annoying as shit. More wrinkly, but just as annoying.
And I hate to sound like a guy who has less hair on his head than he has on his legs, but it's because of those damn phones (upbringing and academia too, but the phone is how they get their fix). They're indoctrination machines, it shorted everyone's attention span greatly, and women are fucking glued to them.
I can't say I downright hate today's dating world, but I heavily dislike it.
t. zoomer, I have a front row seat for this shit
>All these dating coaches and people on this board suggest this beyond a certain age is unadvisable
Yea, but not because it's somehow going to make it easier, or help you find people that you can relate to better. You're going to deal with the same amount of nonsense, but the reward is better. If you're gonna go through the trouble of trying to get dates and to impress women, you might as well have a nice firm set of tits to play with instead of an old saggy one.

>all zoomer women are the same
you deserve to date used-up old women

>So it's fine to get an 18 year old man, put a gun in his hands and send him to die, but a 21 year old woman can't handle having a coffee with a 30 year old without getting "groomed".

Yes. It is spun as a patriotic action so it is exempt from most other age related taboos.

>easily offended
honestly that sounds like you from the laundry list manifesto you just posted

You're putting more philosophy into this than they do.
It's not about agency, it's about gaining an upper hand in the dating game. 21-24 year old women are hot, 35 year old roasties are not. They know that they don't stand a chance. Any warm blooded male will pick a 21 over a 35. So they try to gain advantage by shaming men who go for younger women, and advertising shit like maturity.
Ever wonder why you never see 21-24 year olds complain about "le grooming"?
If you pay attention, you'll see the same tactic employed in other cases too. For example single moms. Do you see them say
>yea I fucked up and made a kid with the wrong guy, but I can suck a tennis ball through a garden hose, I can make a killer pizza, and I always go dutch on dates
No. It's always
>my kid is my world, it's a premade family, you're not man enough if you don't step up and take care of my angel!
Premade family my ass. Half eaten sandwich, that's what it is. They know it's a weakness, but instead of taking responsibility for their mistakes and focusing on their good parts, they prefer to present the weakness as an advantage, and shame you if you disagree with them.

>you'll see the same tactic employed
DEployed. Fuck I'm tired.