Nuclear Energy

Isn't it strange how we invented infinite energy with zero greenhouse gases back in 1951, yet most of the world is still reliant on fossil fuels? Really makes you think!

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I know absolutely nothing about this topic but don't they all leak radiation?

How about you Google some facts before you ask stupid questions?

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How about you choke on my cock faggot?

Because nuclear plants are super expensive to make. It's takes longer to build them and for them to return your investment. For a traditional power plant it takes about a year or 2 to get a return from your investment but for nuclear plants it's nearly a decade. Because of that, investors aren't willing to wait a fucking decade to get their money back.

Nah, wd just Bury the waste under concrete to be thr future's problem.
Have you ever heard of nuclear energy causing any health issues? Go ahead, I'll wait

>Isn't it strange how we invented infinite energy with zero greenhouse gases back in 1951, yet most of the world is still reliant on fossil fuels? Really makes you think!

>Greedy bastards would rather destroy the planet than wait a few years for the money printer to start up
Peak clown world.

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All industrial production is destroying thr planet. It's just a case of "not my lifetime, bot mt problem".
We're supposed to be hunting in the woods, not getting nuclear energy to power porn studios

How does nuclear energy destroy the world?
Nuclear waste can be stored safely underground, unlike carbon fuel emissions.

I don't understand the environmental concern of burying nuclear waste underground, aren't nuclear elements mined from underground in the first place? So essentially it would be like putting the radiation back from where it came from

The main problem is no one want to live within 10 miles of a reactor so there is near infinite red tape to prevent new reactors from being built anywhere where such a generator could actually make back it's building cost.

Then again people hate living near wind turbines and solar farms too.

>*gives your kids cancer in their drinking water*
nothing personnel

CO2 isn't a pollutant.
"carbon emissions" are fine and total safe. It's just a buzz word.

Oh, you mean like natural gas drilling causes due to it releasing radon (which is still the leading cause of lung cancer in the US, not smoking).

It's already been shown that """green""" energy groups who advocate for renewable instead of nuclear are entirely funded by oil companies since every time a nuclear power plant gets shut down the bulk of the energy production is replaced by fossil fuels
No hope in this world

You are fucking retarded
Anyway, wind energy is much better than nuclear
>but muh landlocked states!!!!
Flyovers can suck my cock

>CO2 isn't a pollutant.
You wouldn't say that in a room filled with it. :^)

Wind is worse by nearly every objective measure and isn't even close to actually being viable for consistently meeting energy demands.
Wind power projects are big expensive scams. White elephant projects that drain infrastructure money dry.

A room full of pure O2 would kill you.
Would you call oxygen a pollutant too?
Or are you done being retarded.

We're patient with our retarded population
*41 IQ kid gets sent to jail and beaten to death*
But THAT'S it

>infinite energy
Fissile fuel isnt exactly growing on trees either nor would it last forever
I want atomics back too, and hate my nation for carving to the greentards yelling fukushima, but at least argue with some sense.

You can design a reactor that produces very little in the way of radioactive waste, various types of breeder reactors can do that. The problem is that governments are scared of approving any because of nonproliferation treaties; they enrich their own fuel. Conventional reactors produce a bunch of radioactive waste but run on low-enriched uranium that can't be used in a bomb, and they deplete, rather than enrich, that fuel as they run.

>A room full of pure O2 would kill you.
False. If there were people there with you, you could convert the oxygen to CO2 fast enough to not be poisonous.
In a room full of CO2, you would all die.