Is there an afterlife? What's your proof either way?

Is there an afterlife? What's your proof either way?

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you are living in the afterlife now. you never died and were never born, there is no beginning or end other than god. everything else is a permanent life cycle, even things that arent "alive". everything is alive and on a life cycle including you, and theyre all cycling on the same spinning mechanism, all on one wheel together. nothing is separate. just as the universe is infinite with a vortex in the center, or the solar system, or the apple with the seed that grows into a tree with more apples, or the rain creating the ocean, or the dna coding, or the life cycle of a human. it's all one tessellated life cycle all part of the one singular immortal body of god, and god is the singular thing above all that exists within himself. nothing exists other than god, everything else is an illusion created by vortexes that separate the everything god from the singular thing representation of that same god. humans are simply avatars of that god who are bound to the universe with vortex vessels that create and interpret the outside world through a spirit inside the body shell, and that your consciousness's only distinction from the outside world and your consciousness is language and the physical body which is a holy construction. language is literally magic that is like the spirit of god within you using spells to create more vortexes that separate nothing from something. the letters of the alphabet of any language are all based on the first language which is hebrew. the hebrew hieroglyphs once decoded tell how the universe was constructed and also repeat the text of the very first bible scrolls. the ancient pyramids were built to represent the relationship between language and god. the bible that all the religions are based on is simply a roadmap that leads to the vortex at the center of the universe which is the portal to heaven. when you die you will either reincarnate in this realm, go to the underworld, or go to the heavens. there are 3 layers of everything

Yes. This constant discussion is Hell.

If there was indeed an aferlife you'd have to question if there is an after-afterlife.

example of the vortexes. this is what separates everything from a single thing. this is what separates nothing and something. this is what everything is constructed out of. everything is made of 3 vortex layers, the outside, the in between/both, and the inside. your consciousness, language, and the outside world. the seed, the tree, and the fruit. the universe, the center of it, and the outside of it. the earth, the core, and the atmosphere. the dna, the baby in the womb, the human. the reason we are placed 6ft under when we die is because there is a radiation frequency band at that depth that you can travel on to reach the vortex portal to heaven at the center of the universe.

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Hopefully there isn't.
Why would you even want one?
Unless you are lucky as fuck, you are not gonna get isekai to somewhere nice.
So most likely you end reincarnating in some mediocre shithole or even worse hell.

more evidence for nonbelievers

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even more evidence for nonbelievers

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the universe looks like this. god breathed the breath of life and pushed a moving vortex that separated everything this way

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this is the inside of the torus/donut looking thing. it is the same shape as our universe. the jewish faith is the oldest one other than the ancient egyptians and mesopotamians who simply believed in the structure i am describing. the jews took their beliefs and passed them down word for word until reaching persecution and eventually jesus . the book is called the TORAH. torah for torus

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all the other religions are based off ancient hebrew and jewish beliefs taken from the ancient egyptians/first civilizations. it is ancient secret knowledge written on the scrolls and tablets

by the way, the thing that builds the mechanism of this torus/vortex shape are literally the letters of the ancient alphabet in hebrew which is a translation of the ancient first civilizations. god is quite literally the word as in there are magic letters holding everything together and making it exist. we are conscious because we are able to use this language because the spirit has made a home inside of us. we are one with the god

smoke on that for a while normies. you'll never be this level of schizo and awareness

Those words come from two different languages.

all languages are based off hebrew nigger, every word you say has a hebrew root because they all are translated from hebrew to greek to latin to whatever dumbass language you speak now that only came out in year 800. this is 6000 years ago

before the age of hebrew was a different age and the universe probably didnt exist like it does now, no one knows where anything came from before the egyptians, they say the earth is billions of years old because of dirt. time and space bend because of the vortex, it's not actually that old, it's like the number pi, the closer you get to 4 the more numbers there are. the closer you get to the edges of the universe the longer time and space is because it is a moving infinite vortex like the number pi. you can never reach the beginning. the big bang is just the theoretical point that they are able to see back to, but it's only been about a few thousand years that this vortex we live in existed because thats how long the hebrew has existed. before was a whole different world that was connected to god in a different way. thats the garden of eden and thats where humans were before they were sent to earth by the vortex. it is a mystery

god kinda fucked us bro. could have just cut the bullshit and have us be born in heaven. he likes to play a lot of stupid games for someone that's all powerful and all knowing

niner niner seven delta code 0 apoploe vesrreaitars. wa cha zod rea. the sun will rise on the dark side of the moon.

Hinduism predates the Hebrew culture by as much as 4k years.
Try harder next time

Everyone says hell. Despite my religion, I think there is something else. I do believe in him, but there has to be more.

>Is there an afterlife?
I hope not.

I remember hearing something from one of the ancient jewish texts (don't remember which one) that god's greatest regret was giving people free will.

I don't know. My evidence is having no knowledge about it.