What cocktail of drugs do I need to have sex with Asuka?

Deliriant combo perhaps?

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Combo is not necessary. Just take a bunch of gravol.
Keep it simple, baka.

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DXM. It's always DXM

dxm makes your penis retract inside of you
it's antihorny

As if u could even get dxm

You will have to get research chemicals with a similar molecular structure

Yeah but you can see plenty that isn't real including sex with asuka

You can literally buy it online or at the store freely. It's legal

I thought dxm was a rc that ppl sometimes cut ket with or sold as ket for a while but got banned so the labs just make shit similar, might b thinking of something else called something similar to dxm

You're thinking of MXE

I haven't been to a head shop in ages but im pretty sure all synthetics n legal highs are pretty much banned where i live, atleast in stores

Dang you're right, respect for knowing lol

It's just the ingredient in robotussin and delsym

Id give it a go, anything once

dxm visions are everything except sexual lmao
you'll sooner destroy your entire personality/ego before you sex asuka
misato>asuka anyway

that being said do it anyway, serotinergic dissos are fun
300mg is for orgasmic music listening, 600mg is for multiuniverse travel

lucid dreamingg

Why the heck do they put this in cough medicine lol? Not complaining but still, sounds interesting
I was gunna say try lucid dreaming, there's also this African root extract thats enhanced lucid dream potential n intensity, i got some n only tried it once, idk why i haven't been bothered to use it more cause lucid dreaming sicc, except lucid nightmares

They put it in cough medicine for the same reason that ketamine (a drug with a very similar effect as dxm in the human brain) is used as a very common painkiller medication-- because it does the intended purpose (cough suppression) at the recommended dose (far below recreational dose). The world of drug chemistry is large, inviting, and interesting, friend.

Here's another fun fact-- the molecular "mirror image" of dxm (think what the left hand is to the right hand) is called levomethorphan, and despite being the same molecule flipped in space, it is an opioid many times more powerful than morphine, even though dxm itself has no opioid activity. Science sure is interesting.

nobody cuts ket with MXE, you can barely find it straight anymore since it got banned everywhere. you'd make more money finding someone who knows what it is to sell to.

>even though dxm itself has no opioid activity.
but dxm is an agonist at the sigma opiate receptor

Not the first time I've been wrong. Should have said is not an opioid, (still an opioid alkaloid "derivative" according to Google, but not an opioid) even though it does have some receptor activity there.

The relevant effects of the experience come from the NMDA antagonism, regardless. The fact that a chemical mirror flip can cause such astounding effects is a common phenomenon, but is still astounding!

OP, everyone in this thread is a fool. There is a guy on reddit that was minmaxxing this shit, i'll try and dig up a link. He was using a vr headset and iirc 2C-B, weed, some sort of stimulant, and GHB.