Can anyone explain to me how I got a 2110/2400 on the SAT (96th percentile in 2014) without any studying whatsoever...

Can anyone explain to me how I got a 2110/2400 on the SAT (96th percentile in 2014) without any studying whatsoever (SAT scores can be significantly improved by studying because they are relatively easy so I probably could have gotten something pretty close to 2400 if I studied for the math section, as my reading and writing scores were 800/800 and close to 800/800) and yet I failed out of university, struggle to pay attention to anything that requires extended concentration like reading, speak in a halting, inarticulate manner and am just an all-around failure in life (never had a GF, never had a high-paying job, make destructive decisions on an almost daily basis etc.) I feel like an absolute retard even though all throughout my academic career I was told that I was "smart" and my SAT score from eight years ago provides at least *some* evidence for that idea. What gives? Am I "smart but lazy"? Why is that such a common thing, if it actually is?

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It's because you're homu

yea you're very smart its not your fault its your parents fault

No! I don't even blame my parents or "society" or whatever. Both of those things have *some* effect on life outcomes but they're both greatly exaggerated, and just based on my personal experience I think my failure is primarily due to my shitty personality. I want to know what about my personality is so fucked up that I, as a man of average to above-average intelligence, can be such a waste of life.

Smart used to mean something. These days modern education equates smart with being able to memorize things and follow directions. But that's only one aspect of intelligence. The other is knowing how to apply what you know to achieve practical ends that are conducive to passing on your genes. The normies were ironically smarter than you because they intuitively realized that all of that book learning was a waste of time compared to chasing pussy and a job.

You are just another victim of the assholes that push the "gifted child" narrative on autistic people so that they can wash their hands of you instead of spending the time and effort to teach you actual valuable life skills like how to socialize. Your parents and teachers let you down by assuming that your ability to memorize things would automatically land you a high paying job and the status and power that comes with it and that like everyone else a girlfriend and life aspirations would just fall into your lap.

Don't feel too bad, they got a lot of us who ended up here with that same lie.

yes, i got 99th percentile sat scores with no studying but I got filtered out of highschool by lack discipline and depression and have achieved literally nothing. Test scores are just test scores, it means you're good at the sat and nothing more

If a farmer plants a seed and neglects to water it, fertilize it, or pull out the weeds around it and the seed doesn't grow into a bountiful yield, is it the plants fault or the farmers?

cant control what other people do

I think you're underestimating yourself. Think about those really dumb kids from your high school; do you really think they could ever score at the 99th percentile on the SAT with any amount of studying? You're smarter than them for sure. I guess being smart is useless without other crucial personality traits, however. Also SAT scores have a 0.8 correlation with IQ scores so they're not totally meaningless. And if you think IQ tests just measure your skill at taking IQ tests consider that they're strongly correlated with all kinds of positive life outcomes.

They basically gutted the SATs in the 90s. It used to mean something when you got high marks on it, but now it's nothing special. The better universities take SATs with a grain of salt nowadays.

percentile is still percentile

How old are you? Because that was some straight up child logic you just threw out there disguised as a statement.

Everything about living in the world as a human being involves navigating the various and many external influences set against you.

The very nature of pointing out the effect that external agents can have upon you is the first step to overcoming those influences. But to deny that such a thing is even possible is to deny agency and life itself.

>implying IQ means anything
Kek. You know it's a scam job, right? It correlates moderately with income and that's about it.

This makes sense to me, altho I was never diagnosed with autism or any other psychiatric condition.
Yeah. Even if they made the SAT baby-tier scoring at the 99.99th percentile is meaningful information. The problem there however is that now the test can't distinguish between merely smart people and actual geniuses.
>IQ correlates positively with family income, socioeconomic status, school and occupational performance, military training assignments, law-abidingness, healthful habits, illness, and morality. In contrast, IQ is negatively correlated with welfare, psychopathology, crime, inattentiveness, boredom, delinquency, and poverty.

well I'm not saying it's completely meaningless. I can accept that it's useful as a filter for colleges, and if I had gotten into a position to pursue college it would have been meaningful for me. But after that it's meaningless. Constantly feeling like you're better because you were predicted to succeed, even though you aren't succeeding doesn't do anything for you. At some point you have to accept that you aren't special and that even kids who were 'dumber' than you are now more educated and are solving harder problems.

>assholes that push the "gifted child" narrative on autistic people so that they can wash their hands of you instead of spending the time and effort to teach you actual valuable life skills like how to socialize
Oof, that hurts. I guess it was fun feeling "gifted" in gradeschool, but boy was I not ready for the reality of autism and adult life.

Every day is a struggle and everyone expects you to be friendly and personable at all times. I can't come up with a good metaphor for what it's like, maybe: being great at shooting basketballs but utterly unable to dribble, pass, or catch them, but you can't quit the basketball team or you'll die. Get me on the freethrow line and I'll score points all day, but I can't really help the team in any meaningful way or be useful at all off the court.

Yeah, I accept all that. I'm reminded here of this guy who I thought was a slow-witted redneck in high school who now has a wife, a house and probably a baby on the way any day now. I'm sure in some ways I would still see him as a stupid redneck and a philistine if I talked to him again but the fact is that he's a winner and I'm a loser. He has life basically figured out while I'm a shut-in NEET with no friends and no future. So what has my intelligence (if I really have it, which I kind of doubt) got me? Nothing, really. But that doesn't imply you or I are in fact *not* intelligent. There are many factors that determine success besides intelligence. It just hurts to know you're an abject failure when you're probably not actually retarded. I just wish I had an excuse to be honest.

The difference is Americans are getting increasingly stupid. In America the smarter you are, the less children you have. This dysgenic trend means each generation is stupider than the previous one. You're up against inner city niggers, trailer trash rednecks, fat spic kids etc. In East Asia the trend is the opposite, this without college degrees have less children. So the top is considered one of the hardest SAT questions while the bottom is a moderately difficult Gaokao question.

>inb4 collegefags rush in to brag they can take a high school exam
Yes basically any 2nd or 3rd year college student could do the bottom.

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You should actually look at the linear correlation number. On representative population sizes the value is

originaly, dont think im banned yay!

well that just means america is dying. I don't they failed at life because of smart asians. Asians get discriminated against in college admissions and stem fields as well. If you have a high percentile score than it's expected that you do well compared to americans which many people with a high score don't

I just made a post on Any Forums (that 404ed pretty quickly) about the stark difference between the SAT and the gaokao. I know that the average Chinese IQ is about 105 compared to the white average of 100 and that their IQ is more math-tilted so it's not surprising that they will be way better at math than us white people but you can't just compare the hardest SAT math question and the hardest gaokao math question and conclude that Chinese people are infinitely smarter than white people. It would be unironically low-IQ to rush to conclusions like that. What percentage of Chinese students get that question right? What percentage of American students are even taught the math required to solve that problem in high school? I don't want to suggest that Chinese people only appear smart because they're all cheaters but I can't help but notice that in American universities Chinese international students are notorious cheaters so I have to question Chinese scores on tests that Americans also take. Of course Americans also cheat but I doubt they do it as much as Chinese students do. I will admit that China owns the whole world on PISA tests tho, which is a big point in their favor.

Where can I learn exactly what "linear correlation number" means?