Women more likely to be celibate than men

Why do incels try to suppress this information? 75% of women are sexless, compared to less than half of men.

>between 2009 and 2018 the amount of adolescent men having zero sexual activity rose from 28.8 percent to 44.2 percent and from 49.5 percent in 2009 to 74 percent among young women


So why aren't women chimping out and shooting up kindergartens?

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Because we girls aren't testosterone filled monsters, ick we can handle the loniness femblt btw

1. Women dont value sex the way men do. Women are fine with not having sex for long periods of time.

2. Women would rather be celibate than fuck a man they don't consider hot enough.

3. Women are only interested in men out of their league, who are only having sex with women in their league or slightly below it. So these "femcels" are being left out but not really since they don't even consider being with the male incels that are on their level.

>data conveniently cuts off at 2018
i wonder why teehee

women and men are likely to lie. chances are the female number is far lower and the male number is far higher. shit people here even say fake it till you make it and to not tell anyone you're a virgin.

Might also be part of societal collapse.
Seeing everything overpopulated and in a state of brutal competition doesn't really make you feel like reproducing.

You're retarded. A woman saying she's sexless makes her look like a huge loser and unattractive. No woman is going to pretend to be an ugly loser in an anonymous survey.

It's more the fact that men don't contribute anything of value to a woman's life anymore. Men are supposed to be protectors and providers. Most men cant protect or provide for themselves let alone a wife and family.

Femcels should just work on their personality and have sex. The bar has never been lower. No one owes you shit.

>the bar has never been lower
>just look like these photoshopped plastic thots I jerk off to, sis!

>A woman saying she's sexless makes her look like a huge loser and unattractive
to who?

Women are the sexless sex.
They don't care about it and can probably live alone without caring.

a female virgin seems pure and untouched to chad. she is his to conquer alone. an adult male virgin is a failure in every aspect.

they care about sex more than most men if they are in the presence of chad, they can't get enough of it. for everyone else they are prudes though

That's literally womens fault. they wanted equality and they got it, but it turned on "equality" was having their cake and eating it to, expecting men to earn more than them but also demanding to be handed high paying jobs. What people need to do is stop propping women up and let them fend for themselves, no more child support, no more alimony, no more child benefits. Sink or swim.

Oh teehee that gangbang with the football team last Tuesday doesn't count xD

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Chads don't care about virginity. I'm a female virgin and been mocked by normies, other women and Chads for it. Being a female virgin is basically saying you're too ugly even for a desperate guy.

>to who
All of mainstream society????

you're a tranny. shut the fuck up.

>All of mainstream society????
I've never seen a negative female virgin stereotype (most are positive in fact) and I've never seen a positive male virgin stereotype

Stop thinking about women with dicks 24/7 you freak

Then clearly you never go outside or interact with normalfags. Being a virgin female or male over the age of 21 is social suicide. Women receive just as much pressure if not more to lose it as it's so normalized to be a slut.

stop pretending to be a woman then.

>Then clearly you never go outside or interact with normalfags
Probably not, just seems like the pressure is worse for guys but maybe it is seen as a little weird for women