Be me

>be me
>have a shitty life
>depression, rejection, lonelyness... just awful
>realize that it will never become better
>get a swiss knife from my employe
>once knew a depressed girl who cut herself
>never thought about doing it too, but why not after all the shit that has happened to me
>start cutting in the arm
>first its not as easy as it sounds, no matter how hard i try i cant get a proper deep bloody cut
>try again and again, i start improving
>its not as painful as i thought it was, the pain is strong enough to distract me from my awful life but not that bad to make me feel worse

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Just be yourself first bro.

You should buy fresh razor blades if you're going to do this

yeah i will bro

>oe, ae, ue tasten
na servas.
wo liegt denn das problem mein lieber

Wenn y und z in den richtigen positionen sind

>wenn man die tastatur fast ausschliesslich fuers englisch schreiben benutzt und die englische tastatur desshalb mehr sinn machen wuerde

Attached: christoph-waltz-als-ss-standartenfuehrer-hans-landa-in-inglourious-basterds-fuer-dieses-rolle-erhielt-der-schauspieler-2010-den-oscar-als-bester-nebendarsteller--2414945805.jpg (1651x929, 138.23K)

ritzen ist sau schwul digga unironisch mach alles andere
>inb4 sport
ja unironisch wenn du dich einfach nur ablenken willst dann das
falls du ein zu faules stueck scheisse bist nimm einfach drogen
>aber ich bin arm und hab keinen plug
research-chems,muskatnuss,fliegenpilz,alkohol,zigaretten,joint stuemmel vom boden aufheben etc

dxm,dph,nachtschattengewaechse es gibt so viele drogen und ich bin suechtig nach allem morty

>joint stuemmel vom boden aufheben etc
interessante zustaende muesst ihr kanacken da in eurem land schon haben wenn dass eine unironische option darstellt, wieviele joint stuemmel am boden fidnest du so per tag denn

kanacke? ich bin einfach nur verfickt arm
naja kommt drauf an im sommer koennen es schon 2-4 am tag sein

Aha gibt es hier also mehrere oesterreichische anons

Sieht man
Wer zur Hoelle benutzt ne tastatur vor 10 jahren

junge ich gehe fast jeden tag raus und habe in meinem leben noch keinen joint stuemmel am boden gesehen
zum thema jedenfalls, stimme zu dass ritzen bescheuert ist aber ob drogen, mit ausnahme vielleicht thc weils ja angeblich nicht abhaengig macht und keine gesundheitsschaeden gibt, ne bessere loesung ist... kommt aber auch drauf an wie oft und wo man ritzt, soll ja auch abhaengig machen
sicherlich, aber halt nicht genug, reich ja nichtmal zusammen mit den deutschen und schweizern fuer einen deutschfaden anscheinend

>start cutting in the arm
Do NOT cut in places that will leave OBVIOUS SCARRING. Cut on your thighs or somewhere else. I fucking regret cutting on my forearms because I can't wear short-sleeved shirts or take my shirt off to go swimming and shit. I did it when I was 13 and it's still there. I totally get cutting, in my case it actually gave me real pleasure to do it, just don't be dumb about it.

My body is just full of all these imperfections now and I'm only 19, it drives me insane. I have stretch marks from being obese as a kid, scars on my ankles from where I walked too much in the wrong boots, I have noticeable gaps between my canines and incisors presumably from not brushing when I was younger, these cut scars, I got scars from a late circumcision (and I even have a scar on my finger from an accident as a kid although it doesnt matter). I got so much stacked against me so early from doing literally nothing. It's depressing as fuck.

"scars on my ankles from where I walked too much in the wrong boots"
Plastikschucherln vom Bundesheer? Ich hatte gottseidank noch die 1er bock

just get some tattoos to hide the scars bro

>Plastikschucherln vom Bundesheer?
Nein, aber vielleicht gleich ding. (This is the extent of my terrible German. They were big black leather boots, could be similar to army-style).

That's like adding more scarring lol.

>user got scars from wearing made in china doc martens
real shit

I got weird shaped feet. Most shoes hurt to wear at first, even trainers (sneakers as the mutts call it). I presumed it wouldn't leave scarring and sort've just didn't care because of neglect for my life but it turns out that you scar very easily and it matters. I can't wear sandals. I can't wear any summer attire basically. Yet I'd even like to move to a sunnier country in fact. Maybe I can get away with wearing long sleeves I don't know.

i almost always wear combat boots or heavy work boots and ive never had any problems with my feet

I like wearing boots too, hiking books in particular for extra ankle support, but I was just retarded when I was younger. I should've worn like 2-3 layers of thick socks or not have worn them at all. No common sense I guess.