UHHHHHHH you see, actually I am the REAL victim

>UHHHHHHH you see, actually I am the REAL victim
genocide women

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You're a loser and it's your fault you are alone, OP.

Whatever faggot. They literally have zero empathy for us or our situation. None of them are coming to help us. Whether we're kind or cruel to them is irrelevant because they already made up their mind about us.

>You're a loser
and so are you, otherwise you wouldnt be here, faggot
>and it's your fault you are alone, OP.

>most incels are narcissists who are incapable of empathizing with others
so close, yet so far. also nice empathy she has for others, kek.

Does this whore love the foster home caretakers who abused her? Does she love the drug dealers who exploited and then killed her parents and made her an orphan? Or does she hate them?

Or does she follow the rule that "just bc you have problems" it isn't OK to be angry about them?

No one owes you any help, and you don't have empathy for anyone but yourself anyway, so what do you care? You're a self-indulgent baby and women are doing humanity a favor by not selecting you until you decide to grow up.

roastie solves their own problems, incel mad anyway, news at 10

> Incels have no empathy for others
> Proceeds to downplay the complaints of incels

Post the YouTube video so I can drag my virtual nuts on her face.

>"here is my personal individual problem to make you understand you should not generalize women like me"
>generalizes men like us
is this real

Attached: lole.jpg (600x600, 60.79K)

> No one owes you any help
> But if you don't come to the aid of a woman, you're misogynistic
Hmm. Welfare programs really think like this.

This is what a strawman looks like when you have never touched a woman

You help a person regardless of their gender

>woman gets abused
>we need to do more #metoo
>man gets abused
>theyre all pigs dude, look at johnny depp he clearly is at fault and amber is innocent
hmm yeah, no.

She's right, you know. Everyone's got problems but they deal with them somehow, and most incels do have something wrong with them mentally, probably narcissism. The puzzling part is her notion that narcissistic behavior is a choice, when it clearly isn't. Basically just contradicted everything she wrote up to that point.
>You shouldn't be like this and if you are it's because of [mental disorder here].
No shit, Sherlock. Some people can't do what you did, yet you're expecting them to while simultaneously curling back and postulating that they can't for reasons given. Normalfags and women are retarded.

> You're strawmanning bro I never said any of that!!!
Mfw normies try to use logic lmao
Yeah yeah. I'm totally imagining a whole society coddling women on a daily basis and you here attacking men for pointing it out.

> People deserve regardless of their gEnDeR
Lmfao fuck off retard
Until you can acknowledge there's only two sexes, opinion discarded

Women are just stupid, that's all. I've seen chimps at the zoo who finger their asshole and taste that are smarter than these goofballs.

I use gender and sex synonymously

>using normie women from jewtube as how women will treat you

find a fucked up girl online who wants to fix broken men, let her fix and adore you instead of being bitter and full of hate

Modern society, folks.

>tfw user doesnt acknowledge 645 sexes and 465883648595937 genders
modern men, folks.