I am suicidal. I would rather die than continue living this life

I am suicidal. I would rather die than continue living this life.
However, I am concerned about how my suicide would affect my family.
Is there anything I could say to them before I kill myself that might ease the burden of my death?

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Not giving you advice on that, sorry.
But in regards to committing suicide...

Just so you know, there is no empirical way to tell where you're going to go when you die.
Your body may die and ever memory you've ever had throughout your life storied in the chemicals in your brain with rot.
And then everyone you've ever known will die and it will be as if you have never existed.
Although, the metaphysical thing that anchors you to your body in time and space cannot be explained by science.
Has never, and will never.
Your consciousness and sense of self-aware is not a physical thing.
If you think about it, we cannot even begin to comprehend not existing.
And the way I see it, the nihilistic assumption that death is a final end to things is just as irrational as assuming it isn't.
There is no guarantee of eternal sleep for you once you die.
So saying.
>I would rather die than continue living this life.
The way the universe and reality works is a mystery, and you cannot even begin to comprehend what that's like.

do a front flip and shoot yourself in the head in front of them. just kidding.

Whatever is going on right now, but a way that I didn't end up killing myself was that I learnt to find peace in loneliness. I learnt that people are always going to be pieces of shits and that I didn't need anyone in my life to make me happy. no one is ever going to understand me anyways, plus people always cause drama.

(Unless I was lucky enough to find someone who could understand and could stick around)

you can work super hard whether that's how you look, making money, etc to "feel better".
I understand the motivation isn't there, but as much as it sucks for things to get better, you really have to work on it if you want to move out and do your own things.

If you do just want friends, then you can't just expect people to come up to you, (and yes more things i'm about to say that you might find cheesy but is true) you have to fake it to make it maybe then you can find someone who might be able to make you happy for a bit. Go party or create a hang out spot and try inviting random people that are at your school or job.

another way that helped me stay alive was that I wanted to prove those who hurt me wrong.
so if they see that I'm a lot more successful, or maybe my life is going a little better, it does help me boost my ego and motivation.

>I am concerned about how my suicide will affect my family
No you're not. Every pussy who can't bring themselves to pull the trigger has told themselves this lie at one point or another.

you are wrong and gay

I'm still going to take my chances. No matter what, if anything, happens after I die I just want my current life to end.

>you can work super hard whether that's how you look, making money, etc to "feel better".
I did this. I worked my ass off on a career and it didn't make me feel any better. I ended up dropping everything and moving back in with my parents.
>another way that helped me stay alive was that I wanted to prove those who hurt me wrong.
I have hurt myself far more than anyone else could hurt me.

No. For the next six months, just start being a happier person. Do nice things for your mom and dad and your friends. Then start going on 'walks'. Then start going on walks around town. Then start taking pictures as you go on walks that you constantly send to friends and family, sometimes getting daringly close to the edge.

Then one day you eat half a sandwich in one hand, take some pictures with the other hand, and you just fall from a little too high.

Take the drug diphehydramine, bout 500mgs.
It's OTC and can be found in pharmacies.
It will give your brain a feeling of existential horror and a fear of death.
Not being afraid of death is one of the most irrational state of minds you can be in, and sometime you just need something to set you straight.
At least that before attempting to kill yourself.

As far as I'm concerned, what I said was correct in every way.

Either accept that your family will forever blame themselves for not noticing your depression or not forcing you to get help, or fuckin cope and seek help. I bet my life has been far worse than your privy life but you dont see me crying to random faggots on Any Forums. Cope harder or fuckin accept you're going to hurt around 100 people by the time you are buried or thrown in the trash cause mom doesn't want the fuckin urn as it hurts too much to stare at.

Hey user life's very hard and it's only going to get tougher. There's no easy answer nor any written "reason" to keep being alive. If you kys your death will affect many people in a variety of ways, specially your family. The way I see it, and why I decided to not commit suicide long ago, is that while dead you won't feel anything for eternity. You will no longer be able to do none of the things you are able to do while alive. See . If you prefer being dead then you might as well just keep alive for longer until nature or an extraordinary circumstance kills you. What's the point of YOU ending your life if there's a 100% chance it will end eventually?
To end suffering? The opposite of pain and suffering is relief and joy. Remember, when dead you will not feel those. Just nothing. What's the point of avoiding suffering if there's no contrary to it? I don't know your situation but I'm somewhat sure you're not in the point where death is the only answer; like in coma or inside a war prisoner dungeon.
Focus on yourself and improving your life little by little. There's no rush nor an actual goal bc life's not a race. We live in a time where we compare our lives to others as if there's standards. True freedom is when you free yourself from other's and your own standards.
Suffering is inevitable. But that shouldn't be a bad thing. Free yourself from that thought. The point is to balance suffering and happiness.
I genuenly hope this helps.

I do fear death, user, but I don't see any other way out of my current life.
Some chemical might make me fear it enough to reconsider but what's the point? Just to suffer even more? Why live my current life plus more existential dread?

op listen up, you really just gotta wait this time out. I fuckin hate life too man, but it will get better

How old are you op?

I don't want to go into details here but it won't get better. I've tried for years and it never gets better.
I turned 22 in March.

Then why sharing in the first place?

Also don't ignore me

You're less afraid of death than you're average joe, that's for sure.
You would have to be at this point.
However, suffering can be an understandable reason for wanting to end your life; euthenasia for example.
So how shit is your life user, lay it out.

Be safe

Hey op same user here

I keep trying to not be a nice fag but imma just give in.

Real talk, even I a stranger give a fuck about you. Obviously it shouldn't matter to you but I'd be sad that if for some reason I actually knew you irl by a crazy chance or somehow heard on here that you kys.

Fr dude, while life does suck it will get better dude. Tell us what happened user.

Find a purpose in your life. Don't be a coomie. Decide for yourself the life you want to live and make it happen. If you need help, please ask for it.

Also, it always gets better. Always. But sometimes you gotta do something about it. When I was 22 I lived in a tent in the woods scared of the niggers who hated me. I'm 28 now man, and while life is still hard I've become much stronger. Don't be scared user. You got this.

It's a lot of things, some of which I don't feel comfortable sharing publicly online (even anonymously). I'm sorry.
I believe that you're all genuinely good people but it was a mistake to get into this discussion when I really just wanted the the question I asked in the OP answered.
I'm not going to kill myself tonight if that makes you feel better.

Were you sexually abused or something? Did you murder someone? I respect that you don't want to share stuff but if it is brutally serious at least try to seek professional help for the final time. You are on the verge of kys anyway so you might as well give it a last chance.

Also, no, no one will be able to answer your question bc no person that committed suicide knows what's the best last thing to tell their family bc they're dead

Same fag here again

Please seek help user.

I said it earlier, your family will likely never cope well with your death. If you still care for them it means you're not lost yet.


You are the one who should commit suicide. Raccoon cunt

People on here will assume the worst so let me just say that I'm not a murderer or anything else that would be considered immoral. It's just things that I'd rather not discuss here. I'm sorry.
What kind of help should I seek do you think?
I'm afraid to tell other people how I'm feeling now because I don't want to get dragged to the psych ward.

what are your problems and why you wanna kill yourself?

I feel the same about it affecting family, seems like I'm stuck living a pointless life for another 30-40 years out of potential guilt